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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why microsoft is such a great supposed to Sony

jerseyboy609 said:
Xen said:
jerseyboy609 said:
Xen said:
You do know how threads like this one end up, right?


what do you mean?

It'll end up as a big flamefest, that's what I mean.


I dont understand why, there is no bias at all. I am a gamer, not a fanboy. I gave props to both systems and I clearly like the PS3 better if you look at my profile.


What I mean si that fanboys will come here and make this a flamefest, try to put the advantages of one system above the other, and so on...


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tracking above it by 3.3 million....actually

and within the next 4 weeks the Ps3 will be at the point where 360 was at the END of the last holiday season

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


sorry, double post

leo-j said:
You are intitled to your opinions, but actually the original dashboard IMO was better looking than this "new" interface.

Also about the it doesnt blow it away, I like the XMB more than the dashboard, until you have experienced it completely you shouldnt just judge on looks.

in HD the xmb looks amazing.

Regarding your "until you've experienced it..." comment, couldn't the same be said of the new xbox interface?  I mean, you nor I have experienced it yet to "just judge on looks."

From previous posts, I'd gather that you are more excited about Sony's upcoming interface change and the PS3 in general and that's cool, to each his own, you just didn't seem as you were following your own advice there...


jerseyboy609 said:
Xen said:
jerseyboy609 said:
Xen said:
You do know how threads like this one end up, right?


what do you mean?

It'll end up as a big flamefest, that's what I mean.


I dont understand why, there is no bias at all. I am a gamer, not a fanboy. I gave props to both systems and I clearly like the PS3 better if you look at my profile.



I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and took a look at your profile. I find it odd that you have skate and cod4 for both 360 and ps3. However, if you really own both games for both systems, props to you for serving the industry well lol.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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I agree, MS is known for being competitive. They are responsible for destroying a lot of companies because of their monopoly in the OS business and OFFICE. They represent America as a whole : GREEDY.

While Sony is so cocky for no reason. They are still in denial of the PS2 days, they need to wake up and realize that MS will do anything to stay ahead. They act like they in front instead of fighting to come back. There is no excuse for the failure of the PS3 in JAPAN, Sony messed up badly in that Country and MS took full advantage.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

Do your justificatons for MS being great and Sony sucking make sense? I mean, yes MS released the 360 a year earlier than the PS3, but that resulted in crappy R&D and the RROD. That sounds like Sony was more responsible and MS caring more about beating Sony than the consumer. And it's rather irrelevant that they fix it for everyone. A lesser company might be hurt by putting a billion dollars to the problem, but MS is MS. Also no one can know about the dashboard yet. For all we know, people might like it less than the current one.

You really have no idea how M$ as a company, operates in general, do you.

leo-j said:
You are intitled to your opinions, but actually the original dashboard IMO was better looking than this "new" interface.

Also about the it doesnt blow it away, I like the XMB more than the dashboard.

in HD the xmb looks amazing.



4 ≈ One

Pristine20 said:
jerseyboy609 said:
Xen said:
jerseyboy609 said:
Xen said:
You do know how threads like this one end up, right?


what do you mean?

It'll end up as a big flamefest, that's what I mean.


I dont understand why, there is no bias at all. I am a gamer, not a fanboy. I gave props to both systems and I clearly like the PS3 better if you look at my profile.



I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and took a look at your profile. I find it odd that you have skate and cod4 for both 360 and ps3. However, if you really own both games for both systems, props to you for serving the industry well lol.

lol, well, I helped my friend pay for skate and I got cod4 for another for his birthday (no homo)