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Forums - Gaming Discussion - rumor ps4 might use ps3 cell chip

goddog said:
smallflyingtaco said:
goddog said:

it will be interesting, the powerpc chip that ms uses is easier to scale in terms of power, but with that comes heat, the major problem with that series of powerpc, i could see it going uniform quad core, or even different changes like that, since none of that would effect coding, but we just havent seen any new info from ibm on this series of chip, something the publish quite regularly along with the cell updates, and the joint project with motorola (now freescale) that produced the GC/wii chip

They can both easily jump to the high performance POWER line of processors, it includes the entire old PowerPC instruction set, but they are going to cost a lot.  Power7 is an 8-core and is supposed to be out by 2010. 



true, but power7 would not work with the current power4 dirvitive that is in the 360, or the  cell power arch, the instruction sets are not the same, and the power 8 was additional features that are useless to both of them, the 360 uses  gutted power4, the wii uses a power2 or 3  derivative.  changing arch would hurt either console as seen with the wii keeping the same arch helps in cost, and developer ease.... cell is the more interesting of the two as the 360s chip is already very traditional power pc just stripped down for gaming. the cell if they were to rework it which it looks like they will not, could be made more programer friendly however that would be at the cost of programing assets made for the current cell. if they jus advance it, there will be some change to the arch and dev assets but they may still be useful. though it may just be an issue of cost, and bringing the next ocnsole in where it can turn a proffit at a cost of say 399 at launch or a small loss at 299

I have yet to see anything on POWER8 so your ahead of me there.  Even if MS is using a derivative set of instructions it does not mean it will not be compatible with the POWER7, as we would have to know if they have more instructions or a subset of the POWER7 instruction set.  The same with Broadway.  If they have added instructions then it would rule out an off the shelf solution without some middleware to deal with it for backwards compatibility.  As for developer ease the instruction set differences between them should be easy to hide from developers by the compiler as they will not change a lot in architecture by replacing the CPU with a standard IBM CPU.

The CELL is not going to be simple in its current form.  That the various cores are so different that you have to know what goes where.  Getting around that will not be easy as some of the elements of it that are so powerful are tied to that.  The SIMD SPEs let it do a lot of certain types of work but that they are SIMD while the the PPE is a fused multiply-add processor, it can solve 2 y=ax+b type problems per cycle, keeps this complex.  Removing the SPEs would hurt it in graphics programming, and in scientific programming, but shifting the PPE would make life harder for regular programming type needs.  Probably from a development standpoint doing something like is done on Roadrunner and adding a completely secondary powerful general purpose processor would make life easiest.

Cost I have no clue on.  The problem of dealing with these makes life hard on the console makers as they need to sell a lot to get scale based discounts.  The easiest solution would be for them to try and do what Sony aimed to do, use a processor that was supposed to be used in a lot of other things.  The problem though is consoles are frozen in time while everything else moves on and you might be wrong to start with.  If they all used the same processor they could perhaps help this but that would probably hurt their marketing and encourage even more multiplatforming.


Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad

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smallflyingtaco said:
goddog said:
smallflyingtaco said:
goddog said:

it will be interesting, the powerpc chip that ms uses is easier to scale in terms of power, but with that comes heat, the major problem with that series of powerpc, i could see it going uniform quad core, or even different changes like that, since none of that would effect coding, but we just havent seen any new info from ibm on this series of chip, something the publish quite regularly along with the cell updates, and the joint project with motorola (now freescale) that produced the GC/wii chip

They can both easily jump to the high performance POWER line of processors, it includes the entire old PowerPC instruction set, but they are going to cost a lot.  Power7 is an 8-core and is supposed to be out by 2010. 



true, but power7 would not work with the current power4 dirvitive that is in the 360, or the  cell power arch, the instruction sets are not the same, and the power 8 was additional features that are useless to both of them, the 360 uses  gutted power4, the wii uses a power2 or 3  derivative.  changing arch would hurt either console as seen with the wii keeping the same arch helps in cost, and developer ease.... cell is the more interesting of the two as the 360s chip is already very traditional power pc just stripped down for gaming. the cell if they were to rework it which it looks like they will not, could be made more programer friendly however that would be at the cost of programing assets made for the current cell. if they jus advance it, there will be some change to the arch and dev assets but they may still be useful. though it may just be an issue of cost, and bringing the next ocnsole in where it can turn a proffit at a cost of say 399 at launch or a small loss at 299

I have yet to see anything on POWER8 so your ahead of me there.  Even if MS is using a derivative set of instructions it does not mean it will not be compatible with the POWER7, as we would have to know if they have more instructions or a subset of the POWER7 instruction set.  The same with Broadway.  If they have added instructions then it would rule out an off the shelf solution without some middleware to deal with it for backwards compatibility.  As for developer ease the instruction set differences between them should be easy to hide from developers by the compiler as they will not change a lot in architecture by replacing the CPU with a standard IBM CPU.

The CELL is not going to be simple in its current form.  That the various cores are so different that you have to know what goes where.  Getting around that will not be easy as some of the elements of it that are so powerful are tied to that.  The SIMD SPEs let it do a lot of certain types of work but that they are SIMD while the the PPE is a fused multiply-add processor, it can solve 2 y=ax+b type problems per cycle, keeps this complex.  Removing the SPEs would hurt it in graphics programming, and in scientific programming, but shifting the PPE would make life harder for regular programming type needs.  Probably from a development standpoint doing something like is done on Roadrunner and adding a completely secondary powerful general purpose processor would make life easiest.

Cost I have no clue on.  The problem of dealing with these makes life hard on the console makers as they need to sell a lot to get scale based discounts.  The easiest solution would be for them to try and do what Sony aimed to do, use a processor that was supposed to be used in a lot of other things.  The problem though is consoles are frozen in time while everything else moves on and you might be wrong to start with.  If they all used the same processor they could perhaps help this but that would probably hurt their marketing and encourage even more multiplatforming.



it has more to due with instruction sets being removed, braodway uses instruction sets not in latter chips, the little endian(i think thats the right spelling) which has not been in powerpc since power5. the power5 that the 360 uses is highly modified, and uses added features not found in power5 main line chips, to boost loating points and what not. i agree with you on the cell, it will be hard to streamline any upgrade, but if anyone could do it ibm could.  

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Little Endian to Big Endian conversion is no big deal.  You can actually deal with it in the ordering of bits on the bus, it has been done in a lot of other machines evolution as time has gone on.  Added instructions is a big deal and would require middleware for BC but not likely to be a giant problem and practically invisible to developers as the compiler should shield them from most of it.

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad

true, but ive seen quite a few apps, that are just destroyed in terms of speed, see software on the mac with the g4 to g5 switch. the rest of it i agree with, side note the velocity engine or alvetch as its called is stripped to, something though complex i felt would have added some great graphical ability, thats not required to be used

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Sorry for the late response, goddog, but nothing in that article did anything to undermine the point I made:

1. You said in the OP that the PS4 would use the same exact chip as the PS3. "same chip, nothing new"
2. The articles mention using at least 10 cores in the PS4 Cell chip.
3. The PS3 Cell chip has less than 10 cores.
4. Therefore the PS3 and PS4 Cell chips will not be identical and therefore you were wrong or misspoke.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

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Final-Fan said:
Sorry for the late response, goddog, but nothing in that article did anything to undermine the point I made:

1. You said in the OP that the PS4 would use the same exact chip as the PS3. "same chip, nothing new"
2. The articles mention using at least 10 cores in the PS4 Cell chip.
3. The PS3 Cell chip has less than 10 cores.
4. Therefore the PS3 and PS4 Cell chips will not be identical and therefore you were wrong or misspoke.


I went throught and reread the japanese artical it is based on to respond to you and it brings up several posibilities, one of which is ten cores, but dismisses them all in its belief that the ps4 will be out in 2011 to beat the nextbox, and that changeing the cell would add uneeded cost and complication to development and for devs. the artical i origially posted does a really poor job of explaing the japanese artical its based on


also thanks for the reply no problem for the late

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

goddog said:
Final-Fan said:
Sorry for the late response, goddog, but nothing in that article did anything to undermine the point I made:

1. You said in the OP that the PS4 would use the same exact chip as the PS3. "same chip, nothing new"
2. The articles mention using at least 10 cores in the PS4 Cell chip.
3. The PS3 Cell chip has less than 10 cores.
4. Therefore the PS3 and PS4 Cell chips will not be identical and therefore you were wrong or misspoke.


I went throught and reread the japanese artical it is based on to respond to you and it brings up several posibilities, one of which is ten cores, but dismisses them all in its belief that the ps4 will be out in 2011 to beat the nextbox, and that changeing the cell would add uneeded cost and complication to development and for devs. the artical i origially posted does a really poor job of explaing the japanese artical its based on


also thanks for the reply no problem for the late


With today's surfaced news that Nintendo is targetting the Wii 2 for 2011 as well looks like it'll be showdown time by then.


Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

I'm sure all three manufacturer have 2011 as their target. MS wanted a longer 360 lifespan for profitability and given prior history. MS would have assumed that Sony and Nintendo would have a successor ready 5 years after they launched their current hardware. Sony doesn't want MS to get the jump on them again so they would have been targeting 2011 as well. Nintendo has churned out new hardware every 5 years over the past three generations. So, 2011 would have been a likely target for them as well.

Same chip due to dev learning curve. Most games take longer to dev on PS3 because of the CELL. I say they should toss it for more PC-orientated CPU/GPU in my opinion. It would make things easier.

goddog said:
Final-Fan said:
Sorry for the late response, goddog, but nothing in that article did anything to undermine the point I made:

1. You said in the OP that the PS4 would use the same exact chip as the PS3. "same chip, nothing new"
2. The articles mention using at least 10 cores in the PS4 Cell chip.
3. The PS3 Cell chip has less than 10 cores.
4. Therefore the PS3 and PS4 Cell chips will not be identical and therefore you were wrong or misspoke.
I went throught and reread the japanese artical it is based on to respond to you and it brings up several posibilities, one of which is ten cores, but dismisses them all in its belief that the ps4 will be out in 2011 to beat the nextbox, and that changeing the cell would add uneeded cost and complication to development and for devs. the artical i origially posted does a really poor job of explaing the japanese artical its based on

also thanks for the reply no problem for the late

OK, I did miss that part.  Thanks for the correction. 

But as for whether the speculation turns out to be true, I have to say that with the pace of technology advancement it would be extremely easy to have a considerably more powerful version of the Cell instead of just the same chip and still stay very cost effective -- in fact if Sony "did a Wii" this is exactly what would happen since the Wii is much more powerful than the Gamecube, just less of an advancement than the other two.   

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!