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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Kizuna: Low quality scans with high quality designs

We don't know much about Kizuna, but I think that the character design is simply AMAZING.

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Art direction is the future. I wish the HD consoles would understand that green, brown, and uber realism aren't at all necessary. Guess in a few years I'll be getting the Wii once they finally drop the price and have a worthy back catalog.

Well its all a matter of taste IMO... for example I dont like this art direction not even a bit... but hell, I still dont go around and preach that my taste is the future of gaming ;)

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The art direction of this game is very appealing to me, that's why I wish it the best of luck and that's also why I sometimes become a bit annoyed by people calling it "Kizuna" instead of "Ougon no Kizuna", but I'll let it go from now on ... promised.

I hope this game turns out to be awesome. Please be released outside Japan. NOw that we know how awesome the game looks, I hope we can learn more about the gameplay.

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long you shall be resurrected from death in the church"

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hunter_alien said:
Well its all a matter of taste IMO... for example I dont like this art direction not even a bit... but hell, I still dont go around and preach that my taste is the future of gaming ;)


 You're right of course, but you've got to admit that variety is a good thing. Even if it doesn't impress everybody or even if it turns out genererlly unimpressive, it's good to see developers try new things.

Surely anybody would get sick of post-apocalyptic desert-scapes inhabited by hulking ape-men eventually.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

What's with the pic where it shows 60 combo. Is this like Dynasty Warriors or God of War as well?