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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resistance 2 is the best looking console shooter this year.

I still think Gears looks better, maybe because I like the style more.

But my god I still can't stand the Resistance monsters, they are just so...ugly and uninspired, Locust aren't too good either, but Resistance...>

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...and just for the record. if both games were commodities, and my commodity was Gears 2, and you tried to come up to me and trade me your Resistance 2 commodity for my Gears 2, I'd tell you hell no.

I don't think you'll find too many non-Sony converted 360 owners who would trade their Gears 2 for Resistance 2.

Not in a million years and if you threw in Uncharted.

Just for the record.

It's not like 360 owners are worried that we're getting the shaft.

We really like Gears, lol.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Xbox_Nation said:

Gears of War 2 won Overall Best Graphics Technology of E3 2008 By IGN ,your saying one of the most respectable Gaming Website on the Net is Wrong ?


Resistance 2 didn't look like this at E3 though....and they chose Gears 2 over Killzone 2, in terms of graphics and based on what I've seen I'll have to respecfully disagree. K2>Gear2>R2, but Gears1 looked wayyyyyyy better than Resistance1, the graphics now are more evenly matched.

DMeisterJ said:
The lighting is fantastic.

It does look better than Gears.

I wonder why we haven't heard much of Gears as of late, I assume it's still under embargo.

My Gears 2 NDA ends the 29th. Resistance 2 on October second.

talkingparrot said:
Xbox_Nation said:

rofl keep Dreaming Gears 2 will take back the Crown as the console graphics king this year, Then in Feb the Crown will be handed down to....... *shudders* Killzone 2.


Seriously did you even fucking read the OP?


From the lighting, to the textures, to the amount of enemies / effects on screen, to the shadowing - Gears 2 is ripped up. 


Gears 2 looks better in some instances since the camera is far away from the character.  If you want to compare Gears, compare it to Uncharted, which hands Gears 2's ass on a plate.  There is no arguing that.

There is actually a lot to argue about that.

I played Gears 2, have you?


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I won't say that the graphics are the best, but I really am amazed at just how far they have come from the first game. Yes, I expected a big improvement, but this much? Wow. Makes me want to go out and buy an HDTV just for this game. It's a shame I have no money for that. =(

As much as I love Insomniac and Resistance 2, I still think Gears has a slight graphical edge. None of the texture details can really be inspected as closely as they can in Resistance 2 due to the fact that Gears 2 is a tps, so that may skew the true technical prestige of every screenshot but still, the difference comes down to how alive the environments are in Gears 2. The game never looks static.
On the other hand I'm extremely impressed with how close and comparable the two games are now in the graphics department. looking back at E3 I was worried about the graphics of the final product even when Insomniac said they polish towards the end of the end of development. No one really expected them to deliver but were we proven wrong. Who know, at this rate maybe it will look better than Gears 2 since frankly, I really havn't seen much improvement on the engine from Epic. It would be a cool underdog story.

"YouR opinion is WronG!!!"

Gears looks better, better textures. More colorful for Resistance 2 but thats just the look there going for. You put that much color in Gears and it will ruin the ruggedness feel to it.


Fishie said:
DMeisterJ said:
The lighting is fantastic.

It does look better than Gears.

I wonder why we haven't heard much of Gears as of late, I assume it's still under embargo.


My Gears 2 NDA ends the 29th. Resistance 2 on October second.


Yeah, we'll really hold our breath for your impressions.  I'm sure they won't look exactly like IGN's hands on.

You know what, I was thinking and I've come to the conclusion that this thread is retarded. Whatever someone wants to look better will look better and then they'll find things to back up their fanboy bias. Even if they have good evidence it's still not their honest impression. Make it stop.

"YouR opinion is WronG!!!"