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As much as I love Insomniac and Resistance 2, I still think Gears has a slight graphical edge. None of the texture details can really be inspected as closely as they can in Resistance 2 due to the fact that Gears 2 is a tps, so that may skew the true technical prestige of every screenshot but still, the difference comes down to how alive the environments are in Gears 2. The game never looks static.
On the other hand I'm extremely impressed with how close and comparable the two games are now in the graphics department. looking back at E3 I was worried about the graphics of the final product even when Insomniac said they polish towards the end of the end of development. No one really expected them to deliver but were we proven wrong. Who know, at this rate maybe it will look better than Gears 2 since frankly, I really havn't seen much improvement on the engine from Epic. It would be a cool underdog story.

"YouR opinion is WronG!!!"