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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Oh wow ch.20?
A little hint about the church fight, when u and Sully go into the church just walk out the front door and stand to the side and everyone will try to kill Sully which gives u easy kills

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Jboy0990 said:
Oh wow ch.20?
A little hint about the church fight, when u and Sully go into the church just walk out the front door and stand to the side and everyone will try to kill Sully which gives u easy kills

Thanks for that, I have always struggled on that part

Yeah just barely point the circle crosshairs inside the door and you can just easily get headshots

That one worked quite well, now I have 400 trophies with 2 platinums!

nice congrats
Whats gonna be your next?

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Ok for everyone who has LBP,
Please play my (sucky ass) level and heart it and me lol
I half ass did the level
I just want to get the trophy so if anyone can please do so thanks

YES I beat Uncharted on Crushing!


Damn, that was hard. But you get used to it.

Now all I need is 7 more treasures (all in Chapter 1-8, I am playing through on easy to get those), the Strange Relic (Chapter 6 or 8) and "Kill 3 enemies with a single explosion 5 times" which should be easy enough.

Then I'll have my first platinum!

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Damn everyone is beatin Uncharted today lol


On another note, I rented Resident Evil 5. Is it good? I found the demo ok, but not great.

Really annoying having to stand still to shoot.

BEST game EVER!!