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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

KylieDog said:
Pick Zangief, set L2 or R2 to LP+MP+HP.

Press L2/R2 over and over, making sure to get the ultra finishes in the required number of rounds.

If you keep 2 rounds it is much easier to get the perfects and ultra finishes. Just be careful of Cammy, use the LK+MK+HK spin for her.


 I thought u had to use Ryu to fight him.


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KylieDog said:
marciosmg said:
Can someone help me? I have finished every mission on Veteran on CoD-WaW (and have every bronze trophy) but I didnt get the gold one for beating in veteran and the platinum one (it was my last trophy to get).

I am so freaking mad!!!!!!!!!!!!


You didn't play them in order from mission 1 through to the last, did you.

Yes I did. I chose new game and did every mission in order.

So who is going to race for Re5 platinum coming this friday ?
I know that as soon as it is out it's the only Console game I will be playing until I plat it !

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
So who is going to race for Re5 platinum coming this friday ?
I know that as soon as it is out it's the only Console game I will be playing until I plat it !

I was never a fan of the RE games, but I tried out the demo last week...  Got to the first cutscene and then it got stuck on a load screen.  That's when I gave up completely.  So you'll get no competition from me :D

Finally got my platinum on Cod-Waw!!!!

I had to play the entiire campaign again on Hardened, and what a cakewalk it was.

You take a lot fo hits and dont die and the enemy doesnt throw 12 grenades at you at once.

I only died a few times and thats because I was rushing through the game.

But finally, I got my 3rd platinum!!!

PS - Do you see me approaching you, Flow?

You better be careful. Real careful, now.

Around the Network
marciosmg said:
Finally got my platinum on Cod-Waw!!!!

I had to play the entiire campaign again on Hardened, and what a cakewalk it was.

You take a lot fo hits and dont die and the enemy doesnt throw 12 grenades at you at once.

I only died a few times and thats because I was rushing through the game.

But finally, I got my 3rd platinum!!!

PS - Do you see me approaching you, Flow?

You better be careful. Real careful, now.


 Congratz, few weeks ago u didnt even had any trophies now 3rd platinum nice.


KylieDog said:
Pick Zangief, set L2 or R2 to LP+MP+HP.

Press L2/R2 over and over, making sure to get the ultra finishes in the required number of rounds.

If you keep 2 rounds it is much easier to get the perfects and ultra finishes. Just be careful of Cammy, use the LK+MK+HK spin for her.


Oh come on Zangief doesn't count lol


If you keep 2 rounds you need to get two consecutive perfects to count as one and two counsecutives ultra finishes to count as one, or so i've heard...

The combo trials aren't nearly as bad as the MK vs DC ones, at least for now. Problem is there are a lot of characters lol

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

Now i have joined the whores who got platinum on Sega genesis collection.


I just got the trophy thx for the advice.


Tbone said:
marciosmg said:
Finally got my platinum on Cod-Waw!!!!

I had to play the entiire campaign again on Hardened, and what a cakewalk it was.

You take a lot fo hits and dont die and the enemy doesnt throw 12 grenades at you at once.

I only died a few times and thats because I was rushing through the game.

But finally, I got my 3rd platinum!!!

PS - Do you see me approaching you, Flow?

You better be careful. Real careful, now.


 Congratz, few weeks ago u didnt even had any trophies now 3rd platinum nice.

Yeah. I have been renting games and since I wont have it forever I am trying to suck as much possible and that includes platinums.

I had to make some hard choices today and decided to return Mirror Edge instead of keeping it :(
That means I will never reach 100% completion and I am forever stucked at 91% completion ( game + dlc).

But on the other hand getting 90 skill rating would have taken forever ( I have 57 + 5 tracks I have not played so 67 would have been possible in a few days, after that the hard work would have started...)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !