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KylieDog said:
Pick Zangief, set L2 or R2 to LP+MP+HP.

Press L2/R2 over and over, making sure to get the ultra finishes in the required number of rounds.

If you keep 2 rounds it is much easier to get the perfects and ultra finishes. Just be careful of Cammy, use the LK+MK+HK spin for her.


Oh come on Zangief doesn't count lol


If you keep 2 rounds you need to get two consecutive perfects to count as one and two counsecutives ultra finishes to count as one, or so i've heard...

The combo trials aren't nearly as bad as the MK vs DC ones, at least for now. Problem is there are a lot of characters lol

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"