KylieDog said: What annoyed me about the jacknife speed run was this one single jump, it is a very short sideways wallrun and grab onto a ledge above in the sniper area, saves a good amount of time, you can't afford to not use it really.
So many times though I just wouldn't grab for some reason.
Oh, and the buggy 3rd pipe near the very end, I once got to the end with about 70s to finish the last bit, which should have take about 20s, except this buggy pipe I would jump to and just pass through it and fall to my death, over and over.
I eventually did Jacknife with about 3 seconds to spare, but I know I can do it far far quicker with over a 90s or so spare. |
I did chapter 3 yesterday, I am working on chapter 4 today which shoudn't be too hard as I did 11min27seconds in my recon run and I died like 7 times to trains and got stucked 30 seconds in an area...
Tricky part is I am trying to jump over the electrified fence at the start and I fail that move 9 times out of 10 so I need more practice with it ( and I'm never gonna do like the guy with the best time, the guy gets over the fence and on top of the building in the same frickign move !!!). I might give a try to chapter 2 after chapter 4, it's the chapter I actually know the best by now..
PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !
PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !