Tbone on 02 March 2009
HideoK said: @ Everyone Good News Everyone!! And especially good news to Arcturus. "Once PlayStation.com updates with its new Trophy tracking features, you'll be able to check your PSN level, Trophy count and lists for each individual game from anywhere with internet access. The update is due to go live tomorrow. The functionality will be very basic at launch, allowing you to simply check your own Trophy stats. After a later update, you'll be able to compare your Trophies against friends' and "look at your Trophies in new and interesting ways." We're hoping the info will be made available for third-party applications and websites to access at some point in the future, too." source: http://www.joystiq.com/2009/03/02/trophy-tracking-coming-soon-to-playstation-com/ Hmmm, looks like I'll still have to update my Playfire card a little bit longer. |
Sounds good. Great find HideoK.