I'm working my way through UMVC3 online. Hopefully if I really buckle down I should have the plat by next update.
I'm working my way through UMVC3 online. Hopefully if I really buckle down I should have the plat by next update.
I was planning to platinum Watch_Dogs but I don't think I can be bothered to finish the drinking games. Horrible implementation. Start all over and a block away from the place because I missed one button? Yeah, screw you.
Esquoret said: Destiny's trailer turns me off tremendously. "Only a few can stop 'the darkness'. You are earth's last hope." Seriously, can you get anymore cliché than that? Talk about uninspired. |
I'll tell you what, I wasn't at all interested in Destiny but then I tried out the Alpha. It was basically an MMO version of Borderlands.
If they can make it where I don't have to depend on other people very often, I'll play it.
Anyone want to boost the Resogun patch trophies, add me Filip_Kackiewicz!
So it is happening...PS4 preorder.
Greatness Awaits!
Platinumed Thief yesterday, it was an ok game for my first time ever playing a Thief game. This game would of been better serviced by a more cohesive open world instead of this semi open world with oddly placed loading screens when moving from area to area...fast travel would of been awesome...BUT the game had the best save anywhere option ever, loved it and made certain sequences in the game more tolerable.
Gameplay and it's mechanics were good, sneaking around exploring and looting the area dry. I really liked certain chapter but only 8 chapters feels short, this unfortunately made the story some what janky.
All In all a decent game and a decent plat....the Baron fight was a lil frustrating while playing master. Friggin dude is deaf, I'd throw bottles to lure him a way from where I needed to pick that stupid 5 pin lock, but he wouldn't hear it, instead he spastically just shot his explosive arrows anywhere he felt like it. This part was the only part that was frustrating because I couldn't do what the game up till this point taught me to do and that is sneak around in the darkness to do my business while luring him away with bottles being thrown and stuff.
Now I've started Watch_Dogs, played I think the first mission and decided to just explore a little...Played the coin VR game and was like, yeah that's cool, then mid way through the coin game some random dude shoots another dude on the street and the cops are now after me, I was like WTF I was just playing my VR game leave me alone! So I get get into a car and just start driving like crazy, I stupidly activated the road pole barriers on the road and all the cops along with me just slamed into it, so I go on foot and gun it only to be taken down by some random cop around the corer...I had a smile on my face as I loled at the end result of just being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Then I decided to play the Digital trip stuff and fell in love.
-Madness: really fun, just run down those cops with flaming heads, I'm sure one of them is that cop that took me out earlier lol
-Psychedelic: There is something stupid but funny cuz I was enjoying the hell out of the music, the visuals, and MR Peirce just having fun bouncing around, I had the biggest grin on my face XD
-Alone: sneaking around like Thief, but I upgraded some skills so now I have some EMP gun to have a lil fun with.
-Spider-tank: OMG it's awesome, like one fat, heavily armored, weaponized spider-man. I like jumping around and just blowing up cop cars...didn't even realize there was an actual objective cuz destroying shit was fun.
To be frank, I don't care if the story isn't any good like some have said, looks like I'll be enjoying all the side stuff allot more anyways just like I did with ACIV:Black Flag, But if the story ends up being decent then it'll be the cherry on this fine ass cake.
jake_the_fake1 said: Thief:- Platinumed Thief yesterday, it was an ok game for my first time ever playing a Thief game. This game would of been better serviced by a more cohesive open world instead of this semi open world with oddly placed loading screens when moving from area to area...fast travel would of been awesome...BUT the game had the best save anywhere option ever, loved it and made certain sequences in the game more tolerable. Gameplay and it's mechanics were good, sneaking around exploring and looting the area dry. I really liked certain chapter but only 8 chapters feels short, this unfortunately made the story some what janky. All In all a decent game and a decent plat....the Baron fight was a lil frustrating while playing master. Friggin dude is deaf, I'd throw bottles to lure him a way from where I needed to pick that stupid 5 pin lock, but he wouldn't hear it, instead he spastically just shot his explosive arrows anywhere he felt like it. This part was the only part that was frustrating because I couldn't do what the game up till this point taught me to do and that is sneak around in the darkness to do my business while luring him away with bottles being thrown and stuff. Watch_Dogs:- Now I've started Watch_Dogs, played I think the first mission and decided to just explore a little...Played the coin VR game and was like, yeah that's cool, then mid way through the coin game some random dude shoots another dude on the street and the cops are now after me, I was like WTF I was just playing my VR game leave me alone! So I get get into a car and just start driving like crazy, I stupidly activated the road pole barriers on the road and all the cops along with me just slamed into it, so I go on foot and gun it only to be taken down by some random cop around the corer...I had a smile on my face as I loled at the end result of just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Then I decided to play the Digital trip stuff and fell in love. -Madness: really fun, just run down those cops with flaming heads, I'm sure one of them is that cop that took me out earlier lol -Psychedelic: There is something stupid but funny cuz I was enjoying the hell out of the music, the visuals, and MR Peirce just having fun bouncing around, I had the biggest grin on my face XD -Alone: sneaking around like Thief, but I upgraded some skills so now I have some EMP gun to have a lil fun with. -Spider-tank: OMG it's awesome, like one fat, heavily armored, weaponized spider-man. I like jumping around and just blowing up cop cars...didn't even realize there was an actual objective cuz destroying shit was fun. To be frank, I don't care if the story isn't any good like some have said, looks like I'll be enjoying all the side stuff allot more anyways just like I did with ACIV:Black Flag, But if the story ends up being decent then it'll be the cherry on this fine ass cake. |
Nice review of watch dogs; it sounds like a lot of fun. You've convinced me to get it next.
Well my PS4 spit out the Killzone disc while playing and stopped accepting discs for the second time and this time after I shut it down and unplugged it still wont let me put a disc in it. After a call to support I have to send my shiny new console off to Sony, hope I get a new one not a refurbished one FML.
Oh well back to the PS3 Backlog
Never liked trophies... in game-objective to obtain for the win, they usually even unlock stuff !
Hey don't click here ! It's creepy !!
I want a PlayStation All-Stars Sequel ! Come on Sony, stop making too many shooters !
I'll make a better signature when I'll have time to do it...
SirFortesque said: Never liked trophies... in game-objective to obtain for the win, they usually even unlock stuff ! |
Cool story bro.
maximus22 said:
Nice review of watch dogs; it sounds like a lot of fun. You've convinced me to get it next. |
No probs, glad I could help...also here's a lil update since my last post, I have yet to touch a single story mission, for the past few hours I've been doing some random side quests and goofing off....but I'll tell you one thing, the cops are aggressive and so persistent, they must really want to protect the citizens of Chicago lol.
I tried out one thing to see how far I could go since I was on the opposite side of the map and my destination had a train station next too it. So I got on a train and wondered if it actually went around the city or if it was some sort of fast travel menu, about half way through the train ride I was like, ok I guess it does go around the city...So I then wondered what would happen if I shoot everyone in the carriage before anyone could make a phone call, so I did that like a crazed Mr Peirce and the cops were immediately alerted and were now after me.
For a while I thought I had outsmarted them by staying on the train and forcing it to always go when it stopped at the stations but soon enough the cops were on to me.... I decided to get off but did the stupid thing of giving them the height advantage....stopped the train and got off just shy off under road...naturally all hell broke loose so I got the fuck back in the train and made it go again. By now I was at lvl5 wanted, had the helicopter non stop tailing the train, had the swat teams deployed...I was like fuck, how the hell am I gonna get away from this alive....so I saw that a tunnel was coming, I timed it correctly and stopped about half way, luckily the other side of the tunnel was just a train bridge going over a river so all I had to do was fend off the cops from one side. I pulled out my sniper rifle which I had previously bought and had been wanting to try for a while, and sniped any cop trying to enter MY tunnel...almost got taken out but I used focus and got a double kill XD
At this point the cops where outside the tunnel waiting for the swat team to come, so I figured I'd take out the helicopter to make my grand escape. I also bought a grenade launcher but figured I'd first try my sniper rifle since it was already equipped, I pop out of the tunnel near the bridge side and try to snipe....dam cop sniper was faster and more accurate than me, almost got my self killed for the third time...So I engaged my focus giving me the advantage and managed to snip the cop sniper. I was about to pull out my grande launcher but the helicopter was retreating....with the eyes in the skies gone VICTORY was mine. So I hoped back on the train and got going to my destination, the cops had no idea where I was... after a minute or two Ipulled into my destination with a lvl5 wanted status and strolled to the burger shop which I wanted to see what Mr Peirce would buy.....sadly he only bought a coke cuz that's all that the game aloud, still it recharged his focus so it wasn't all too bad.
Funny thing is, the journey was so much better than the destination, and to boot I got a silver trophy without even trying XD