Ni No Kumi Plat guys
Really great JRPG... what I expected from some new FFs... I wish to have more games like that to play.
Ni No Kumi Plat guys
Really great JRPG... what I expected from some new FFs... I wish to have more games like that to play.
postofficebuddy said: Getting close to the MGS4 plat. Currently working on my Big Boss playthrough. Making really good time and I'm about to reach the bike chase. Hopefully it doesn't give me as much trouble as it did on my BB run way back in 2009. Although back then I had forgotten about the health trick with the PS3 clock. |
I found it easy... not easy exactly but not that hard.
I enjoyed the 8 playthrough I did in this game... I loved it.
It is easy than MGS2 Platinum too... or at least less time-consuming.
Upcoming free game for ps4 Mercenary kings will have a platinum :)
@SnakePLISSK3N Yes!
— Tribute Games (@TributeGames) March 28, 2014
I just got every not monster related trophy on tales of symphonia 2 with the exception of the clear the game in unknown one and Im 15th on the leaderboards with 11 platinums ahead of me so it will take a while before I get this platinum
Tbone said: Upcoming free game for ps4 Mercenary kings will have a platinum :) |
Ohhhh it will be my 4th or 5th Platinum on PS4
MasterVG71782 said:
It is a fantastic game, although I feel it's a little on the short end. I didn't find the final boss on Expert too difficult, considering the boss has a fairly limited moveset. |
I had more trouble on normal than on Expert since it was my first time with the boss. Amost beat it on expert with no deaths but I got a little impatient and then had a little death streak until I was patient again.
Wonktonodi said:
I actually think the hardest part, for me, was at the very beginning of the fight. The toughest attack was the projectile one, since it can be hard to dodge and it gets more potent and quicker as the fight goes on. Other than that, the rest of the attacks are fairly easy to dodge.
MasterVG71782 said:
I actually think the hardest part, for me, was at the very beginning of the fight. The toughest attack was the projectile one, since it can be hard to dodge and it gets more potent and quicker as the fight goes on. Other than that, the rest of the attacks are fairly easy to dodge. |
I just ran back and forth and was fine except for a few awkard camera angles. The hardest part for be was the proir boss battle. With more enemies and fewer places to charge powers.
Ugg I am so far behind I do not know where to start.
I'm really not trying to tank my plat star rating but every game on my Radar to plat is considered easy except for Killzone SF and I just had to put that down for a little bit till some new maps come out before I finish all the MP challenges.
Rayman Legends for PS4 looked like a 6 is that 3 stars?