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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

HideoK said:
And thanks again to Arcturus for updating & managing this successful trophy league. He could be busy collecting trophies himself for 3-4 hours instead of compiling trophy data for 167 gamers.

Perhaps we should make a new rule to have a minimum of 100 trophies or 100 trophy points to be in the league. That way it shows you are serious about trophy collection. It would save time on data collection on at least 25 people and out of those 25 I think I have only seen 3 or 4 post additional comments in the league.

I wonder how long NeoRatt has been sitting at 2 trophy points. Seems like a waste of time to compile data for people who are inactive and have such a low total.

What are your guys thoughts?
Does a 100 trophy point minimum sound like a good idea? Or maybe 100 trophies because its not as simple for someone to do the math to tell when they are ready.

We probably shouldn't eliminate anyone who currently has over 100 trophy points though. Especially Tbone. He is very active with and currently has 90 trophies

I would make it 50 at most, 100 trophies or event points  is actually a lot for people that do not game a lot ( yeah there are some :P)


PS : Stop getting platinum trophies ! Gamefly is going to hopefully send me CoD:WaW at the end of week and that will be my next plat to tie you !

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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hideok - I think we should definatly eliminat the people with under 20 post immediatly then after that we should look at each user on a case by case basis.

@ Ail
hehe. I think you have about a month and a half to tie or even pass me. My next platinum trophy will definitely be Resident Evil 5. And I'm thinking Killzone 2 might be #12 depending on how much I like playing it and how long it takes to reach General rank online. Could be a looooong time.

I agree with a trophy bar of some sort, it is a lot of work for arcturus, and my thanks go to him for doing it

If only the data had been collected slightly later, I got an extra gold and 3 slivers which would have put me clear in second for most trophies in a week

Also, now that you mention it I think 50 trophies is a lot more reasonable.
50 post & 50 trophy requirement to join.

@Max King
Might have to examine a few on a case by case basis like you say. I know Gippon was active at one point posting in the league and he only has 43 posts which is pretty close. There is another with 49 posts. Probably shouldn't eliminate him over a single post. Then again he may not even notice he is gone from the league... It could be a good test for those who actually care.

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marciosmg said:

Woo Hoo! I am not last!

Yay, 163rd place! I rule!

Well for some that played Warhawk a couple of days, I did pretty good.

Watch out, flow! I am getting closer!


PS - Thanks Arcturus for the superb job!


A challenger appears? Oh sh-

I better get that MK vs DC platinum soon, only need raiden, liu kang and shang tsung kombo challenges now, plus 4 other easier trophies

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

in my opinion an access criteria based on post numbers is not bringing you any closer to the intended purpose: What is the purpose: delete inactive members (forum or trophy wise) or keep the amount of league members to a minimum?

For instance: myself

forum activity:
i visit vgcharts almost every day!!! although most of the time im not even logged in! if i want or have to say something nobody said before, i log in and post.

in case there is a post restriction, well then im going to begin posting on every article i read despite adding nothing new to it. cant be the intention, can it?

trophy activity:

i love collecting trophies, and it is even better to compare to a community like vgchartz. so i can think of a minimum amount of trophies, but the thing is, all you do is delay peoples date for entry, no release for arcturus (thx btw for keeping the league alive), or not for a long time at least (kind of a half time break compared to football)

Whatever it will be, i will match the criteria ;)
Maybe im going to post more often when i figure out a formula which satisfies all involved parties....


Wenn killerspieler in killerspielen killerspieler killen, dann killen killerspieler in killerspielen killerspieler.



Yeh sorry I haven't added you I haven't been near ps3 for awhile, will get on it 2nyt and sort that!

@getrodone congrats at claiming the top spot always intresting watch the tussle for no1

@ hideok I agree a minimum trophy limit is good idea... Just not on platinums lmao

Max King of the Wild said:
Dark Odin said:
I´ll be back to top ten... hehe

because youre a cheater!



hehe luck me if there was a cheat for the golden sofa trophy in buzz... We tried! kkkk

Naw i passed that but I'm on Burn Em Out

I skipped this level cuz i couldn't do it before but now I'm stuck on the part where u go in the tunnel

I can't even come up frm behind a box without gettin my head shot off and I'm out of smoke grenades so idk wtf to do