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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Malstrom: Why Wii Music is Genius

Anyway, continue with my rant, so if consoles will be the same as other appliances does it mean you only use it if you need to or if you want to? HELL YEAH it is. Thats why Sean malstrom(not his real name) even says on his blog that Wii will be like TVs, I've seen this type when photo channel and weather and vote channel were introduced. Why even need it in a video game console? This is the first instance that I say is Ninty really making a video game console? And when is the time we're playing Wii at all? I doubt its everyday, I think only once a week or once a month but lets take Karaoke for an example, how many times do we use Karaoke atleast in Asia? I even doubt you used it except for only on special occasions or social gatherings and yet karaoke sells. So Ninty will be follow the same path? With these things are going I think it is...

After all, even Shigeru Miyamoto says gamers should go outside more than playing videogames and thats in interview with Wii Fit. YEAH, Ninty wants to change gaming wether we like it or not. Ninty wants to change the perception of what gamer was, gamers arent people that plays video games everyday they have a life too thats what Miyamoto wants to do.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

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@Yushire: I don't think "online games" were originated from Korea, so i don't really get what you are talking about.

The videogame crash would actually serve M$ better than anything, since it would only make Windows more stronger gaming platform, that would only strengthen its position in the market. So i doubt M$ has any intentions to "save" the industry.
Why PS3 is designed as a PC, is because of the disruption Sony has been building to take over the PC market for "Playstation multimedia hub".

As for what you said about "casuals"; first, the thing as "casual" doesn't exist and second if what you said would be true, PS3 would lead the sales.
In reality, people who buy (any) product, wants the product to perform the job they bought it for. Now, Wii is performing games the best, so it sells the best and that's why it also sells games the best.
Consumers take any product they need, that perform the job they want it to perform and any extra function, if the extra functions don't raise the cost. For example, why should people buy PS3 for games, when you can get Wii or 360 cheaper and they perform in games just as good as PS3? And why should people buy PS3 for BD player, when you get standalone player cheaper and they perform playing the movies just as good as PS3?
As you can see, from the customers point of view, all the extra functions only add the cost. Wii, for example, has all the functions that you can put in it without additional cost assossiated.

Nintendo actually didn't take the different approach from its previous consoles, they are doing the same they always have (except pushing higher specs), only the competition changed too much.

Nintendo could have competed with "PC:s", but they didn't see it worthwile and they didn't want to do it, since it would have meant a whole different approach to gaming that they have had. The thing is, that Nintendo is driving a change in the industrys conventional wisdom, but Sony and M$ are driving a fundamental change in the industry.

Wii controls aren't a gimmick, despite some developers thinking so. It's a very important tool to make new kind of games and make the games more accessible for more people.

And lastly, i believe PSP shows what the difference is between what the consumers and the industry wants their gaming devices to be. The device itself sells pretty good, which is good for the hardware manufacturer and you can see that it performs the job people are buying it for, but it sell games badly, which is bad for game developers and publishers, since the job it's bought to perform, isn't what the developers would want it to be bought for.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

And I expect my musically inclined family to have more fun with this than Guitar Hero.

LOL I have yet to see anyone to have "fun" with this. Even paid artists couldn't make the impression that this is fun in any sense of the word.

Im posting about "online games" was games that are downloadable free to play online games that are made in Korea like the one advertising in this site right now. Since thats what we call those games "online games" Im not posting online games themselves since online games already made since korea came.

About the videogame crash, in reality we dont even know even game company themselves why suddenly there is videogame crash at that time so how do they really know. But there are many factors why the videogame crash came in the 80's. If MS KNEW traditional consoles isnt profiting anymore then why MS even pursuing it? WHY? Because MS didnt knew any better. The sales are the real proof of it, Im not basing my opinions here anymore MKWii, Wii Fit, Wii play and Wii Sports are still selling and it continues to have legs while Metal gear Solid and GTA IV wasnt even in top 10 anymore.

Im not even calling it casuals anymore maybe a lower tier but lower tier games are actually selling than upper tier games proof that the industry was actually changing. And after E3 Ninty didnt do it the other way. Even 360 drops it price it ddint do them any better the Wii is still winning and because of the games that are released months before like Wii Fit. We cant still explain why Ninty still caters to casuals even with Wii Fit and MKWii already out and theyre still catering and milking to it with Wii Music and Wii Sports Resort. YEAH, Wii Music was actually good but we "core gamers" this game wasnt what we really want. We must not be blind about this, even Sean malstrom mock the hardcore saying on his blog about the 4 horsemen of apocalypse and the asteroid scene on his website. Malstrom didnt joke on his blog about it about the end of core gamers, he says it on his blog because thats what he thinks what will happened. If you've read all of his blog and articles theres no article that he didnt mentioned hardcore gaming and end of it, its always there.

We must just accept on what will happened even I accepted it.

About this; "In reality, people who buy (any) product, wants the product to perform the job they bought it for" then why not buy a PC? It do its gaming function and more and there are PCs that are only little expensive or little cheap than the Wii. You dont need to actually play Crysis to buy a PC only a decent PC can serve its gaming function.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

"(on a side note, your often refrenced examples of Cabbage Patch Dolls and Tickle Me Elmo shows that you have no understanding of either situation; both had huge media build up - everyone was declaring both to be must have items - and massive advertising campaigns aimed at kids; Nintendo was panned in the media at launch, and in some publications to this day, and the Wii's marketing campaign has been very low key)"

It's quite the other way around actually. Don't you people remember the way that people started panning the PS3 following E3 2006 on various websites including the PC vs. Mac mock ad that was made with Wii being the mac and PS2 being the PC. Then the South Park episode where Cartman is obssessed with the Wii and all of the newspaper articles in the weeks before launch saying the PS3 was going to be the new Dreamcast?

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

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"Point 1: There are more games on the Wii than Wii Fit and Wii Music. Think about swinging your arm to play Tennis, Bowling, Golf. Think about aiming at the screen to fire your gun. Think about swinging your arm to use your hookshot. Think about mimicing the actions of real life to perform actions in a videogame. To many people this is more immersive and interesting than more realistic graphics."

I would rather not play a 40 hour long game where I constantly have to swing my arm around.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

"@Paul Warren: I think i already pointed you out, that the review scores are useless way to measure games quality, since the reviewers don't resemble the market and the market is what eventually rates the games quality. And this is proven by sales numbers."

I guess you love Mariah Carey?

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

yushire said:
Im posting about "online games" was games that are downloadable free to play online games that are made in Korea like the one advertising in this site right now. Since thats what we call those games "online games" Im not posting online games themselves since online games already made since korea came.

About the videogame crash, in reality we dont even know even game company themselves why suddenly there is videogame crash at that time so how do they really know. But there are many factors why the videogame crash came in the 80's. If MS KNEW traditional consoles isnt profiting anymore then why MS even pursuing it? WHY? Because MS didnt knew any better. The sales are the real proof of it, Im not basing my opinions here anymore MKWii, Wii Fit, Wii play and Wii Sports are still selling and it continues to have legs while Metal gear Solid and GTA IV wasnt even in top 10 anymore.

Im not even calling it casuals anymore maybe a lower tier but lower tier games are actually selling than upper tier games proof that the industry was actually changing. And after E3 Ninty didnt do it the other way. Even 360 drops it price it ddint do them any better the Wii is still winning and because of the games that are released months before like Wii Fit. We cant still explain why Ninty still caters to casuals even with Wii Fit and MKWii already out and theyre still catering and milking to it with Wii Music and Wii Sports Resort. YEAH, Wii Music was actually good but we "core gamers" this game wasnt what we really want. We must not be blind about this, even Sean malstrom mock the hardcore saying on his blog about the 4 horsemen of apocalypse and the asteroid scene on his website. Malstrom didnt joke on his blog about it about the end of core gamers, he says it on his blog because thats what he thinks what will happened. If you've read all of his blog and articles theres no article that he didnt mentioned hardcore gaming and end of it, its always there.

We must just accept on what will happened even I accepted it.

About this; "In reality, people who buy (any) product, wants the product to perform the job they bought it for" then why not buy a PC? It do its gaming function and more and there are PCs that are only little expensive or little cheap than the Wii. You dont need to actually play Crysis to buy a PC only a decent PC can serve its gaming function.

Flash games? Yes, they are quite popular everywhere.


In reality, crash happens when you spend more money on the market than you are able to get out from it. If the audience stays the says and the developement cost go constantly up, it's eventually going to happen. It's just a financial fact. And the crash is even more imminent, when only the "blockbuster" games have a future, since after that everyone tries to make similar games than the blockbuster game, which eats away the sales of the games that would "normally" be blockbusters. Also, the fact that only the sequels seem to get high sales, indicate that the market is stagnant and ready to crash. The crash is always about financial issues, no matter what's causing it.


There's no such thing as "casual", that's the first thing to keep in mind when trying to understand the market. All that counts is, how many games you purchase.

Nintendo isn't "milking" with Wii Music and Wii Sports Resorts. Wii Sports Resorts is a demo for Wii Motion Plus, just like Link's Crossbow Training was for Wii Zapper and Wii Music is a blue ocean game, that's supposed to expand the audience even further. Besides, since Wii Music is one of the first games that have been in developement for Wii, Nintendo isn't cancelling one of their important game considering the strategy. After all, Nintendo isn't milking any more than what M$ did with Halo 3 or Sony with Resistance 2. The new audience isn't dumb, they are only going to buy games that intrests them and if they liked the games, they keep buying new games, if they didn't, you can kiss them goodbye.


MKWii is the most important bridge game Nintendo have put out so far, and i believe it stays that way, while still putting out more bridge games. What Nintendo is doing, is to upstream the new gamers into the existing core games, which means more sales for the current kind of games.


So Nintendos objective isn't to make money with the new audience, but to integrate the new audience into the existing audience and make money while doing it. When all the consoles have stopped selling, Wii has the highes attach rate of all the three consoles and that's because the new audience have upstreamed. The audience bought Wii Music, moved to Mario Kart Wii and eventually went on buying Super Mario Galaxy.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.


You're probably right. In the future though I won't be buying what Nintendo is selling as their new vision of gaming. I would rather just go back and play through the hundreds of high quality games in the PS2 back catalogue which received so many excellent review scores that the Wii will never come anywhere close to matching.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

@Paul Warren: No i don't like Mariah Carey. Do you? Anyway, what did that have to do with review scores of games, that are rated outside the real market?

I don't think nobody cares what you like or don't like, you're not the market.

And i also don't think that Nintendo payed the South Park episode or did the Wii/PS3 videos in the internet or that Nintendo was the one to write articles about PS3 being the new Dreamcast. When you look at Wii game sales, you'll notice that people are buying Wiis and games for it because they interest people and people are happy with it. No matter how you decide to troll on internet, it's not changing the facts.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.