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Im posting about "online games" was games that are downloadable free to play online games that are made in Korea like the one advertising in this site right now. Since thats what we call those games "online games" Im not posting online games themselves since online games already made since korea came.

About the videogame crash, in reality we dont even know even game company themselves why suddenly there is videogame crash at that time so how do they really know. But there are many factors why the videogame crash came in the 80's. If MS KNEW traditional consoles isnt profiting anymore then why MS even pursuing it? WHY? Because MS didnt knew any better. The sales are the real proof of it, Im not basing my opinions here anymore MKWii, Wii Fit, Wii play and Wii Sports are still selling and it continues to have legs while Metal gear Solid and GTA IV wasnt even in top 10 anymore.

Im not even calling it casuals anymore maybe a lower tier but lower tier games are actually selling than upper tier games proof that the industry was actually changing. And after E3 Ninty didnt do it the other way. Even 360 drops it price it ddint do them any better the Wii is still winning and because of the games that are released months before like Wii Fit. We cant still explain why Ninty still caters to casuals even with Wii Fit and MKWii already out and theyre still catering and milking to it with Wii Music and Wii Sports Resort. YEAH, Wii Music was actually good but we "core gamers" this game wasnt what we really want. We must not be blind about this, even Sean malstrom mock the hardcore saying on his blog about the 4 horsemen of apocalypse and the asteroid scene on his website. Malstrom didnt joke on his blog about it about the end of core gamers, he says it on his blog because thats what he thinks what will happened. If you've read all of his blog and articles theres no article that he didnt mentioned hardcore gaming and end of it, its always there.

We must just accept on what will happened even I accepted it.

About this; "In reality, people who buy (any) product, wants the product to perform the job they bought it for" then why not buy a PC? It do its gaming function and more and there are PCs that are only little expensive or little cheap than the Wii. You dont need to actually play Crysis to buy a PC only a decent PC can serve its gaming function.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out