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Forums - PC Discussion - Understanding DRM and why it doesn't work

^ Well that's what I'm saying though, unlike piracy no gun laws would reduce from stuff from happening just because guns wouldn't be sold at every second block. DRM is a completely different animal since it doesn't even pose a challenge to the pirates.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Just to add- DRM, or at least the implementation of it used by EA, has nothing to do with preventing piracy. Piracy is just the excuse to foist it on people.

It's there to prevent you selling the game on by tying the game you bought to a customer profile. No one is going to buy a game second hand which might potentially have no activations left, as it's unlikely that you'll get any more activations unless you can produce a valid receipt for the game.

EA don't make money from the second hand market and would rather everyone rented their games. The PC is just a testing ground for this at the moment, the consoles will be next, and the protests we make now will be as nothing when little Johnny finds he can't sell his copy of FIFA 2011 on. It is time to make a stand though- don't buy these games and don't pirate them, but do take a few minutes to write or EMail EA and tell them exactly why you won't be parting with your money.

And the problem of the DRM is that it interact with other programs running in your pc. It interacts with burners, antivirus, firewalls, other DRM. This is not somethign that always happens, but it may happen and if it happen it will be annoying at least and probably expensive. Take a look at the link and boycott those games. Don´t pirate, but boycott them.





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The problem with DRMs is just they don't work.


I mean... the game is always available DRM free before the game comes out. So what's the point?

I mean Spore had some "good" DRM things. Making sure only one copy could be online at a time for one.

Well that and sometimes you get shit like the Starforce DRM that destroys your disc drives.

Damn you Starforce, Super Power 2 is awesome but i'm not risking another disc drive.