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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 2009: The Wii finally comes of age

It's about time. Three years from launch and wii is finally getting some games.

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Kurakasa said:
It's about time. Three years from launch and wii is finally getting some games.


Aye finally there are games released on the Wii with 2 years development just like most PS360 games(well 3-4 years for them) instead of 6 month developed shovelware.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

can i say that 2009 will be a wii year?

thekitchensink said:
A few things:

-Wii will be the platform that discovers the best new talent, thanks to developers being forced to innovate or die.


What? Why will they have to innovate or die? At this stage The Conduit looks set to be a success because it'll be a high quality game in a genre underrepresented on the console. But it doesn't look very innovative.

On the other hand, I do agree that Wii will be the platform that discovers new talent, mainly because that new talent won't have the money or resources to make PS3 and 360 games. I think we'll get a lot of unusual, "cult classics" out of the console.

It's subjective, I guess, but the Wii is going to be the one console that wins NOT because it has the best games....ironic, ain't it?

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waron said:
can i say that 2009 will be a wii year?

No, did you forget that every year is a year of PS3?! and 2009 will be one of those :)



But really 2009 looks sweet for the Wii


I hope good things start happening on 09.

Valkyria00 said:
Anyone on VGChartz whos bitching about Wii right now I can understand but they better hold out till 09 because Wii will own every console next year.



Totally agree.
There's a great line up for the 09 season in terms of games for the Wii

I think the Wii, like the DS will benefit from a lot of publishers coming in late to the game making what might otherwise start looking like a tired system (something 360 will be dealing with in 09) to become instead a late bloomer.

FPSs like the Conduit and WiiMotion+ might really give Wii the boost it needs to start pulling in more core players by the end of '09. Or not... time will tell.