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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Another Euro price cut? GB - $130 - $170 - $220 or US - $232 - $302 - $393

Another price cut in others would be suicide. They would only lose a hell lot of cash and the boost would last a few weeks at the max.

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So now the arcade is only £30 more than the PS2 and the premium is £10 cheaper than the Wii.

This price cut will make very little difference. The 360 will still be a distant 3rd in Europe.

All i have to say is what happened to the dreamcast. all this price drop is really doing is lowering the value of the 360 in the consumers eyes. the way they will see it in europe is we already had a price-cut and now they are putting it down again, soon they will bring it down again, so we will wait.

to me the value of the 360 is just going to get seriously hurt by this. people must be thinking oh it must be really cheap and flimsy then. first we get the rrod so they all break down. and then the price just keeps getting lower and lower. i think this is going to backfire on microsoft in a big way.

the produc is already cheap and is getting cheaper. to be honest it dont look like an expensive product. and many people may feel it doesnt have the quality of a n expensive product. the price is not what is killing the 360 in europe. the value of the 360 when down even more with this price cut.

and oh yh just to say, you have been able to get the 360 from gamepro for like months and months now for like 130. i created a thread about i because i as shocked, and the Wii was selling for 150. with the pro at 170 and the elite at 230.

but we have a lot of game store in wolverhampton so its probably just competition between the stores.

say what? the xbox is already cheaper than the wii.

Where does everyone figure Microsoft is going to post in deep red because of this? They are letting go of their treasured first party developers (see Halo wars) and not funding Bungie (they are on their own) as well as cutting costs measures left and right, and STILL charging $100 for out of warranty RROD/one ring repairs. I don't see MS losing much next quarter?

Not to mention Squill's chart was from 2006! That's two years ago, meaning the cost to make the 360 premiums HAS to be under $200.


... and now Dreamcast comparisons!? You realize Sega didn't have the purse that MS has,  not to mention everyone was buying PS2's because it had a great line up *and* was a DVD player. The dreamcast had some good games, but it was not a DVD player either.

It's just that simple.

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This is good news for 360. I'm not sure whether it would put 360 ahead of PS3 in Europe, but it will definately raise it on the radar screen of consumers. This will probably have more effects on reducing PS2 purchasing then PS3.

Until Sony cuts the price of the PS2.

I hope 2nd place is worth it, and about them knocking SONY out of the loop…… they can keep dreaming, the same can be said about MS and NINTENDO. The market is big enough for all three, time will prove this to be true.

Impulsivity said:
bbsin said:

If this is true, and the 360 still cannot sustain a healthy weekly lead against the PS3 (until Sony cuts their prices) then Microsoft will have shot themselves in the foot. They need to make sure these price cuts are worth it or else it'll just turn into a fire sale.


   The 360 is a great example of how the Dreamcast/PS2 thing would have gone down if Microsoft had backed the Dreamcast as it said it would (for using its OS among other things) instead of backstabbing it with the Xbox.  The 360 had a solid lead when the PS2 hit the market, decent word of mouth (pre RROD) and a quality of games a bit below the Dreamcasts but still good enough that it had a decent intrenched library when the PS3/Wii launched.  Of course then Sega had no real money to compete and ended up having to fold quickly as a result.  

   The 360 has all the same advantages (a year faster on the market, entrenched base, a few big name first party releases early on) and the same disadvantages (less powerful, old media type, lower perceived value), but of course they have the cash to money hat and sustain losses on the xbox brand more or less indefinitely.  They seem to be making a similar choice to the dreamcast too now at this point by lowering the prices severely to move inventory against superior competitors.  Guess we will see if Dreamcast+5 billion dollars to burn would have =ed win.

   There is kind of a thin line between high price cuts and desperation moves to hold on.  Gamecube at 99 dollars and Dreamcast cut to the bone seemed to be desperation moves that didn't help sales much, the PS2 to 199 was a brilliant play that won them the generation in part...Will be interesting to see which way people see the 360, as a dying platform cutting desperately to stay in the race or as a viable platform that takes off.  My guess would be the former but I'm sure others would say the latter.  I'm continuously baffled by people who act like a few hundred dollars is a big deal when the quality gap is so great, then again I spent over a months income on Martin Logan front speakers so what do I know about frugality in electronics.

"dying platform" lmao, watever helps you sleep at night


If this is indeed true then its obvious the previous EU price cut wasnt as effective as they hoped. EU is very different than US and JP in being multiple countries with multiple different tastes. UK will bite because 360 is popular here. Will Spain, France, Germany et cetera?
