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Where does everyone figure Microsoft is going to post in deep red because of this? They are letting go of their treasured first party developers (see Halo wars) and not funding Bungie (they are on their own) as well as cutting costs measures left and right, and STILL charging $100 for out of warranty RROD/one ring repairs. I don't see MS losing much next quarter?

Not to mention Squill's chart was from 2006! That's two years ago, meaning the cost to make the 360 premiums HAS to be under $200.


... and now Dreamcast comparisons!? You realize Sega didn't have the purse that MS has,  not to mention everyone was buying PS2's because it had a great line up *and* was a DVD player. The dreamcast had some good games, but it was not a DVD player either.

It's just that simple.