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All i have to say is what happened to the dreamcast. all this price drop is really doing is lowering the value of the 360 in the consumers eyes. the way they will see it in europe is we already had a price-cut and now they are putting it down again, soon they will bring it down again, so we will wait.

to me the value of the 360 is just going to get seriously hurt by this. people must be thinking oh it must be really cheap and flimsy then. first we get the rrod so they all break down. and then the price just keeps getting lower and lower. i think this is going to backfire on microsoft in a big way.

the produc is already cheap and is getting cheaper. to be honest it dont look like an expensive product. and many people may feel it doesnt have the quality of a n expensive product. the price is not what is killing the 360 in europe. the value of the 360 when down even more with this price cut.

and oh yh just to say, you have been able to get the 360 from gamepro for like months and months now for like 130. i created a thread about i because i as shocked, and the Wii was selling for 150. with the pro at 170 and the elite at 230.

but we have a lot of game store in wolverhampton so its probably just competition between the stores.