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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Another Euro price cut? GB - $130 - $170 - $220 or US - $232 - $302 - $393

Wow. Make or break time for the 360.

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Aj_habfan said:
Wow. Make or break time for the 360.

How do you figure that?

Its selling well every week.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I hope you are right. If this happens I look forward to 360 heavly outselling PS3 this month, and forcing Sony to cut the price of the PS3. If we could go into this christmas with PS3 and 360 price cuts, then it could really start to slam the door on the Wii. It would be so awsome to see:

Wii $250
360 $300
PS3 $300

If that happens this year would be one of the biggest years in video game history for years.


Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


ssj12 said:
Is M$ trying to put themselves back in the red?


 They have been in the red ever since last quarter, when they mysteriously lost money despite being profitable on software, XBL, and hardware(cough FF XIII cough)


Anyhow, I believe they dont care , they said it before, they are willing to do anything to take out the playstation brand.



Soriku said:
If this is true than crazzy. Absolutely crazzy.


Isn't Sony's plan to gain profitability? They got like 50 mil last quarter and I'm sure they want more profit, not cut the price by $100 and go back in the red.


 Yea I dont see sony cutting price this year, they are focusing on profit.

I dont think they need a price cut, even if they come 3rd this holiday season(concerning the ps3) it will still sell very well, which is what they care about.


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leo-j said:
ssj12 said:
Is M$ trying to put themselves back in the red?


 They have been in the red ever since last quarter, when they mysteriously lost money despite being profitable on software, XBL, and hardware(cough FF XIII cough)


Anyhow, I believe they dont care , they said it before, they are willing to do anything to take out the playstation brand.


They aren't doing everything to take out the playstation brand. They haven't bought EA/Take 2 yet have they?


Kind of an unexpected move....sigh.....this is going to shift alot of the site......

alright everyone, we're switching roles.

MS fans talk about how the 360 is definitely going to be 2nd

PS3 fans talk about how the difference won't be enough to change anything

Nintendo fans can stay the same

Alright everyone........ACTION!


KBG29 said:
I hope you are right. If this happens I look forward to 360 heavly outselling PS3 this month, and forcing Sony to cut the price of the PS3. If we could go into this christmas with PS3 and 360 price cuts, then it could really start to slam the door on the Wii. It would be so awsome to see:

Wii $250
360 $300
PS3 $300

If that happens this year would be one of the biggest years in video game history for years.


Are you talking $US now?  Cause in the states the Xbox 360 is already down to $199?

Personally I dream the PS3 will hit $299, but $349 is the only realistic (and I use the term loosely) cut Sony can make this year.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

leo-j said:
ssj12 said:
Is M$ trying to put themselves back in the red?

 They have been in the red ever since last quarter, when they mysteriously lost money despite being profitable on software, XBL, and hardware(cough FF XIII cough)

Anyhow, I believe they dont care , they said it before, they are willing to do anything to take out the playstation brand.

It wasn't misterious, they bought Danger which probably ran them through a couple of hundred million.....


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

can you buy a external hardrive for the arcade version? The arcade version has no hardrive......... the heck? whats the point about buying it if you can't save things onto there but via memory card, isn't this last gen stuff?