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@XEN it may have turned out bad, but Uwe could have made it REALLY bad. So bad, the stench of the film would have stuck on its viewers from now until eternity and beyond! You have to watch an Uwe Boll Film to understand. i watched Bloodrayne, was given a copy of House of the Dead and watched Postal recently. They are just as bad as one another :S

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El Duderino said:

I like Uwe... nothing like a good trashy movie... you are giving him to much credit too... the best trashy Videogame movies aren´t from him... Street Fighter, Mario Brothers, Mortal Kombat...

I like him as well. Movies are mostly bad but his best movies are the really bad the King one with Jason Statham wasn't fun to watch as it was not that terrible of a movie. But bloodrayne...oh man, that was the funniest movie of 2007. Nothing like seeing good actors try to act and deliver the worst lines in history.


I wouldn't put all the blame on him.... It's natural to be disapointed by films when they have been in another medium prior to film.

The first two Harry Potter films were actually terrible by any standards... but I was still dissapointed by the third and fourth films even though they were not bad.

The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy film was quite good, but how could it live up to the memories of reading the books and listening to the radio play.


I haven't seen the films you mentioned (I haven't played the games either) so perhaps they are more awful than I think.... but everyone hates the RE films even though they are by no means atrocities compared to other action films.

It's kind of the same as everyone saying OoT is still the best game ever... no it's not it is horrible by todays standards, you are just remembering the great times you had when it was better than all other games around it.

Same for Mario 64... brilliant in it's time, and like OoT it does hold up well to the tests of time... but it can't hold itself above the best of todays games.

Your title makes me think, what if Uwe Boll made a video game movie of the lord of the rings video games =P I mean it'll be Lord of the Rings from Uwe Bolls video game perspectives haha.

I could see it now

Interviewer: "So Uwe with the new Lord of the Rings movie you're making are you taking any inspiration from the books?"

Uwe: "What the F*** does a book have to do with my art? We're talking about video games here"

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Has anyone seen Postal? Ive seen the opening, and it was funny for all the wrong reasons. Making fun of 9/11? TOO SOON!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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Let's put it this way:
1) horrible dialogue
2) horrible acting
3) horrible direction
4) horrible sound

The RES movies were miles ahead of what Uwe has created. Even the Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat films were great compared to the ones he has made.

A few months back the inescapably terrible filmmaker known as Uwe Boll decided that he'd had enough of the bad reviews. But instead of channeling his frustrations into trying to make, y'know, a good movie for once in his life, Dr. Boll (yes, Dr.) decided that his only course of action was to ... challenge his detractors in the boxing ring. Let's translate this into schoolyard terms: You think my movies suck, and therefore I'll be waiting for you after school so that I can punch you a few times, thereby allowing myself to feel better for a little while instead of actually addressing the issue at hand, which is this: I really am an idiot.

Yeah, this makes sense. The guy's so furious about reactions to his hilariously terrible ouevre that he's willing to humiliate himself to an even goofier degree. Apaprently it's not enough for Boll to enjoy his title as Today's Worst Filmmaker; he also seems intent on becoming The Planet's Most Insufferable Bully, too. And here's the best part:

He's finding no takers, boxing-wise. Aside from one stalwart 16-year-old, nobody's nibbling on Boll's boxing poll. Sounds to me like the arrogant crybaby has a little too much time on his hands. I'm willing to start a petition and pass around the collection plate: Let's get Uwe Boll enrolled at USC Film School. Hell, we can even turn it into a reality series at the same time! Uwe, call me!

colonelstubbs said:
Has anyone seen Postal? Ive seen the opening, and it was funny for all the wrong reasons. Making fun of 9/11? TOO SOON!

i couldn't stand it. I even failed to find it funny considering 9/11 was just round the corner. I tried to enjoy it, i really really did :(


Some more bad news. he is making Far Cry the movie :'( Why god why? :'(

Fei-Hung said:
Let's put it this way:
1) horrible dialogue
2) horrible acting
3) horrible direction
4) horrible sound

The RES movies were miles ahead of what Uwe has created. Even the Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat films were great compared to the ones he has made.

A few months back the inescapably terrible filmmaker known as Uwe Boll decided that he'd had enough of the bad reviews. But instead of channeling his frustrations into trying to make, y'know, a good movie for once in his life, Dr. Boll (yes, Dr.) decided that his only course of action was to ... challenge his detractors in the boxing ring. Let's translate this into schoolyard terms: You think my movies suck, and therefore I'll be waiting for you after school so that I can punch you a few times, thereby allowing myself to feel better for a little while instead of actually addressing the issue at hand, which is this: I really am an idiot.

Yeah, this makes sense. The guy's so furious about reactions to his hilariously terrible ouevre that he's willing to humiliate himself to an even goofier degree. Apaprently it's not enough for Boll to enjoy his title as Today's Worst Filmmaker; he also seems intent on becoming The Planet's Most Insufferable Bully, too. And here's the best part:

He's finding no takers, boxing-wise. Aside from one stalwart 16-year-old, nobody's nibbling on Boll's boxing poll. Sounds to me like the arrogant crybaby has a little too much time on his hands. I'm willing to start a petition and pass around the collection plate: Let's get Uwe Boll enrolled at USC Film School. Hell, we can even turn it into a reality series at the same time! Uwe, call me!

If i remember correctly, 5 reviewers stepped into the ring. Uwe kicked the **** out of them all


I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Damn Uwe, we need Hideo Kojima, Yu Suziki, Shigeru Miyamoto and some other dudes to keep the crap outa him before he kicks the crap out of their games!