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I wouldn't put all the blame on him.... It's natural to be disapointed by films when they have been in another medium prior to film.

The first two Harry Potter films were actually terrible by any standards... but I was still dissapointed by the third and fourth films even though they were not bad.

The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy film was quite good, but how could it live up to the memories of reading the books and listening to the radio play.


I haven't seen the films you mentioned (I haven't played the games either) so perhaps they are more awful than I think.... but everyone hates the RE films even though they are by no means atrocities compared to other action films.

It's kind of the same as everyone saying OoT is still the best game ever... no it's not it is horrible by todays standards, you are just remembering the great times you had when it was better than all other games around it.

Same for Mario 64... brilliant in it's time, and like OoT it does hold up well to the tests of time... but it can't hold itself above the best of todays games.