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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 360/PS3 comparisons?

Are we now getting to a stage where the PS3 has caught up and may even begin to pull away?

Check out the latest GT comparison with NHL 2K9.

Check it out in HD on GT.

See what you think?

One thing I did notice myself was the reflections on the glass surrounding the ice as well as the reflections on the ice of the players.  Noticably better on the PS3.

What do you think?

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

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yes agree

PS3 games are much better than X360 games.

Yup, the PS3 looks better. We're gonna see more of that as developers start adopting the PS3 as their lead platform. fanboys will say xbox360 looks better, ps3 fanboys will say ps3 looks better. i say, give it a rest.

Around the Network
ils411 said: fanboys will say xbox360 looks better, ps3 fanboys will say ps3 looks better. i say, give it a rest.

I say watch it and then talk. The PS3 has deeper colours (strange - the 360 should) and looks sharper.


kowenicki said:
I think you are seeing something that isnt there.... no difference... again!

Only an X360 fan would say that. lol.


kowenicki said:
I think you are seeing something that isnt there.... no difference... again!

Watch the colours and sharpness on both versions. There is a difference, but not a big one.


Haha PS3 is no way close to 360.

Multiplatform games, there is still no real noticeable difference. Its the exclusives that hold the key

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot