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Forums - Sales Discussion - Little Big Planet = Little Big Deal

Onyxmeth said:
shanezx said:
CrazzyMan said:
shanezx said:
izaaz101 said:
shanezx said:
what makes you think that LBP, a PSN arcade game for $10, will equal Fable 2, a full retail game.?

Regardless of what I think of sales, it's not a PSN game for $ you need a new argument.

actually i think it is a PSN game, if im incorrect give me a link to prove it .

Any PSN game that uses 40GB, troll?

40gb ?! wow thats a bit excessive for an arcade game, but i guess that would explain why they have to put it on a disc. Also it is a great honour for me to have a reply from such an infamous fanboy as yourself, i am graced sir


I'm giving you a warning for trolling shanezx. One more time and you're banned sir.


+1 recept ^^


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Stillwell said:
The OP has no point and hardly makes sense, and yet this thread has 2 pages of replies? Bravo !


What you mean I have no point?  I clearly state that I wasn't sure of this game until I actually got to play it and since I saw another  thread discussing as to what will sell better (Fable or LBP)  I thought I would give my honest opinion about this game.

You have to remember Gamestop has 30-35% market share, we are in fact the biggest software sellers for all three companies ( comes from their mouths) and after our expo and the Sony presentation I saw a lot of Gamestop Managers saying that they are impressed with the game (thus in return recommend the game to the casual crowd).

The core gamer already decided what to buy , the casual customer will come in to a retail store and ask what they recommend, so in the long run a E rated title with good marketing will have a longer legs than a Niche M rated RPG game.






pre-order status, still bit low for big games like this, to people in Gamestop, what is your preoder status, i already read many thread, but TBH so far, LBP is too low to considering it will be a success. RB & GH is guaranteed , also Fable2.

@alusnova - Thanks for the thread. How are the LBP pre-orders?

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



same as above because OP work at Gamestop, what is LBP pre order status, you have to give us Honest answer,

becuase there is 4 - 8 different store at neogaf, give us only 4-10 preorder max per store, way below Fable2 preorder.

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dejelek said:
same as above because OP work at Gamestop, what is LBP pre order status, you have to give us Honest answer,

becuase there is 4 - 8 different store at neogaf, give us only 4-10 preorder max per store, way below Fable2 preorder.

Do you have reliable source, or are you basing this on random posts on neogaf?


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



lbp will be huge..

go check out my channel for my own voice towards ps3 games and the gaming market

to OP, what is your store LBP preorder status,

dbot said:
dejelek said:
same as above because OP work at Gamestop, what is LBP pre order status, you have to give us Honest answer,

becuase there is 4 - 8 different store at neogaf, give us only 4-10 preorder max per store, way below Fable2 preorder.

Do you have reliable source, or are you basing this on random posts on neogaf?



there is retail musing thread on neogaf, well at least who posted and give the data on those thread are from store, not from random poster. retail musing is respected thread on Neogaf.

just look by yourself,

some link:

July 08 ,

August 08, (some LBP preorder info, still not good)

September 08. (still not good)



so that's why i asking the thread starter his LBP preorder status.


dejelek said:
dbot said:
dejelek said:
same as above because OP work at Gamestop, what is LBP pre order status, you have to give us Honest answer,

becuase there is 4 - 8 different store at neogaf, give us only 4-10 preorder max per store, way below Fable2 preorder.

Do you have reliable source, or are you basing this on random posts on neogaf?



there is retail musing thread on neogaf, well at least who posted and give the data on those thread are from store, not from random poster. retail musing is respected thread on Neogaf.

just look by yourself,

some link:

July 08 ,

August 08, (some LBP preorder info, still not good)

September 08. (still not good)



so that's why i asking the thread starter his LBP preorder status.



This game will have legs.  Until you play it, you won't understand why its amazing.

Console Agnostic since 2001.