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Onyxmeth said:
shanezx said:
CrazzyMan said:
shanezx said:
izaaz101 said:
shanezx said:
what makes you think that LBP, a PSN arcade game for $10, will equal Fable 2, a full retail game.?

Regardless of what I think of sales, it's not a PSN game for $ you need a new argument.

actually i think it is a PSN game, if im incorrect give me a link to prove it .

Any PSN game that uses 40GB, troll?

40gb ?! wow thats a bit excessive for an arcade game, but i guess that would explain why they have to put it on a disc. Also it is a great honour for me to have a reply from such an infamous fanboy as yourself, i am graced sir


I'm giving you a warning for trolling shanezx. One more time and you're banned sir.


+1 recept ^^