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Forums - Sony Discussion - Bioshock (Ps3) Sales.

It is a similar release as Oblivion [tme frame/units sold]. Oblivion was launched about a year later for the PS3 and the game sold around the same units on PC and 360 as BS has. So, about 600k LTD me thinks.

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Compare the install base from then to now.


starcraft said:
MikeB said:

I think the game will not sell that well. I myself was really looking forward to this game at first, like I anticipated Mass Effect to be a good game. Then the suits stated this game certainly wasn't coming over to the PS3. Meanwhile I played Mass Effect on the 360 and didn't really like the game overall, then there were Bioshock 2 rumours for the PS3 and so I checked out all the Bioshock story telling scenes and some gameplay footage over at youtube to see if the game really was worth the hype and wait.

The game looked indeed interesting, but of course I now lost all interest in this game (no surprises or real wows left for me). One sale less here at least, I think due to their PR (shooting themselves in the foot) they don't deserve to sell many copies on the PS3. And then I hope they learn from their mistake.

What mistake?

They will have made far more money from accepting an MS moneyhat than they would have from the difference between PS3 sales actual vs theoretical with a simultaneous launch.


I think lying to potential customers like that is always bad.


Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

The funny thing is that's it's probably the best single player FPS on the system and it wont sell nearly as well as it should have.

Oblivion did pretty well on the PS3 despite the fact it was released later. I don't see why Bioshock would'nt get modest sales, seeing it's such a great game. I on the other hand, finished it on the PC, and because I have a gaming rig, it's not gonna look much better for me.

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Here is my first week predictions

NA - 150k
JP - 10K
Others - 85k

Total sales: 0.7

I'll buy it when the price is right for a year old port ($30) so that's at least 1 copy sold.

Atleast 2 million

Initiating social expirement #928719281

MikeB said:
starcraft said:
MikeB said:

I think the game will not sell that well. I myself was really looking forward to this game at first, like I anticipated Mass Effect to be a good game. Then the suits stated this game certainly wasn't coming over to the PS3. Meanwhile I played Mass Effect on the 360 and didn't really like the game overall, then there were Bioshock 2 rumours for the PS3 and so I checked out all the Bioshock story telling scenes and some gameplay footage over at youtube to see if the game really was worth the hype and wait.

The game looked indeed interesting, but of course I now lost all interest in this game (no surprises or real wows left for me). One sale less here at least, I think due to their PR (shooting themselves in the foot) they don't deserve to sell many copies on the PS3. And then I hope they learn from their mistake.

What mistake?

They will have made far more money from accepting an MS moneyhat than they would have from the difference between PS3 sales actual vs theoretical with a simultaneous launch.

I think lying to potential customers like that is always bad.

I agree that the lying is unnecessary, but from a financial standpoint, I doubt Take Two did poorly on the deal.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

FilaBrasileiro said:
I'll buy it when the price is right for a year old port ($30) so that's at least 1 copy sold.

Well you could buy it for the 360 or PC and probably get it for around that price right now without having to wait for the PS3 version to drop in price.

Edit: Forgot to say that sales will not be that great on the PS3. It's been out for so long on the 360/PC that most of the potential sales are gone and the lower prices for the 360/PC versions should kill other potential sales for the full price PS3 version.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"