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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - WiiBoard discussion

I can see WiiFit being a HUGE success with women and middle-aged men, exactly the non-traditional gamer (or non-gamer) that Nintendo is targeting to expand the audience.

They could easily sale a Wii/WiiFit pack which would still be cheaper than a lot of exercise equipment that people buy, use for week and then leave to collect dust. This could be the next great fitness craze and that alone would make it the best selling peripheral ever. Into the millions easily.

For me, I'd love to see EA use it for sports - running in Madden/NBA, skating in hockey, (just making the running or skating motions, not doing them necessarily) which would really add to the immersion factor. It'd be easy for games like that to have the feature available for those that the board, but for those that don't it's business as usual.

I'm just left wondering one thing. This COULD be a huge seller, but Nintendo can't meet demand now, so unless that changes, how do they capitalize? Lack of availability could totally crush interest in the very markets they're hoping for.


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Galaki said:
it is a must buy for me as soon as i saw it. Not for the WiiFit exercise but for the possibility of gameplay that comes from it. I am sure that's got some devs to go wild on ideas to use the board.

Surfing anyone?

How about Nintendo releases "WiiBoard Sports" with the device...

 - Surfing
 - JetSki (WaveRace)
 - Skiing/Snowboarding (1080)
 - Skating
 - Dancing
 - Dodgeball (!) - using the Wiimote
 - Boxing - using Nunchuck & Wiimote

I would love a surfing game that used the WiiBoard and Miis... :)



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Is Wii health an attempt to capture the fat biffa market?

You guys are awesome. You are always open minded and up on the industry. Kudos. Most other boards are calling Nintendo's E3 a failure. It's those same people who said Wiimote was a gimmick and would fade like the Virtual Boy. I feel more like I'm amongst equals here. XD.

clandecyon said:
You guys are awesome. You are always open minded and up on the industry. Kudos. Most other boards are calling Nintendo's E3 a failure. It's those same people who said Wiimote was a gimmick and would fade like the Virtual Boy. I feel more like I'm amongst equals here. XD.

 Don't forget, the DS is a gimmick too.

Around the Network
Legend11 said:

The WiiBoard is a great idea and It makes me wonder why Microsoft can't come up with ideas like that. Hopefully it gets some skateboarding, surfing, and other games that use it. Wii fit will be huge since things dealing with weightloss are big sellers but it'll be interesting to see how the game itself does in the long term and if it keeps people's interest and actually helps them to become fit.

Stange that so far and very likely for all of E3 that the board is the thing that caught my attention the most, it might be truly revolutionary and stands the chance of profoundly influencing future hardware and game design just like the Wii Remote.

Microsoft can, they definitely can, but most of their innovations are behind the scenes I think. From all articles I've read, Microsoft's best and most creative abilities in this market are with developer relations -- they know how to appeal to developers (for example, they had the lowest take per copy-of-a-game of any of the three makers last generation, at 7 dollars per game. This considerably boosted third party profits. I have no idea if MS still leads in this category, because those numbers haven't been released to my knowledge for this generation) and they know how to make an OS that is simple and easy for game developers to use. 

There's a reason why MS has the most exclusive titles announced for their system, and we all know about all the problems people have with PS3 ports. It may not mean much from our perspective, but that's because it's hard to appreciate the fact that Mass Effect (as an example) is a third party exclusive because of MS's finesse, simply because we weren't there to see the negotiations occur.">">

WiiFit is a good idea. It will sell well.

It's just too bad that they used the BMI in the game. I mean seriously, the BMI is a total joke.

rockstarjerry981 said:
WiiFit is a good idea. It will sell well.

It's just too bad that they used the BMI in the game. I mean seriously, the BMI is a total joke.

Nothing is set in stone at this moment. Even the hardware is still under development. 

They should also release a Wiija board.

llewdebkram said:
They should also release a Wiija board.