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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Main characters with mouths vs Main characters without.

What do you guys prefer IF YOU ONLY HAD TO CHOOSE ONE.

1. Main characters that decides what they do for themselves and speak freely.

example: Kratos, Marcus Fenix, Master Chief, Cloud, Ratchet & Clank, Solid Snake, etc


2. Main characters that never speaks for themselves or lets the user talk for them.

example: Link, Ness, Diablo characters, Fallout guy/girl, Crono, Gordan Freeman, Pokemon trainer, etc


I'd go for chose 1. Characters that don't talk makes me feel like the game is unlively.

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Definitely without. I can identify with the introvert ones better.

Choice 1 all the way, both out loud and in text.

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

choice 1....just for David Hayters voice as Snake....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Main characters that talk. Developement for characters that don't talk usually sucks worse then the Doom marine's developement.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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choice one. A game tels a better story with a character that actualy lives in the world as opposed to stand around like a mute.

Having your character not speak allows the player to place more emphasis on the protagonist's manner and actions rather than their voice, commands, comments, or speeches. This works well for some characters (Link) and poorly for others (Isaac). I prefer the main character being able to speak, because you'll never have insight into how they feel without it. In Golden Sun, despite his father having died, Isaac is not able to convey any emotion whatsoever. The only feelings you could grasp from the situation came from the music and the reactions of others. I am not a Psi-wielding teenager on a quest to save the world, I'm a dude in his basement playing videogames. I don't want to feel as if I'm in a videogame.



When i read the thread title (Main characters with mouths vs Main characters without) I thought you actually meant characters without a mouth.

I was ready to put forward my vote for Michael Schumachers Ferrari in F1 World Grand Prix, as he was a great character without a mouth.

However, after reading the first post, i guess i had better vote for 1....

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Links my favorite character but I still prefer characters to have voice over those who dont so 1.

colonelstubbs said:
When i read the thread title (Main characters with mouths vs Main characters without) I thought you actually meant characters without a mouth.

I was ready to put forward my vote for Michael Schumachers Ferrari in F1 World Grand Prix, as he was a great character without a mouth.

However, after reading the first post, i guess i had better vote for 1....

Pah... Hakkinens McLaren was a far better character.