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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Under rated games.

hard to find any ...

I always bash games, except the good oldies I was playing when I was younger on my Amiga ;))

Time to Work !

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Ratchet & Clank TOD. I know it got high scores and stuff, but so far, I think it's even better than Mario Galaxy and the best game on ps3 (but MGS4 is starting to get really good...)

I don't understand why people who have nothing to add to the thread post in it... If you only buy games on review score, good for you. Why post that you don't believe in under rating.

Do you ever see one game get one score lower than another you thought it should have "beaten"?

Either way, thanks for bumping.

Next game for me:

Manhunt 2, most reviewers thought Kung Fu Panda was better, really? Come on. It was a pretty cool game.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Star Ocean Till The End of Time:got decent scores overall but deserved a couple of points more. Suffered from a little too much backtracking and from dull dungeon designs and the fact that some of the characters were underdeveloped but the battle system was awesome(not totally perfect though) and the story was more than decent enough(even after that plot twist that should of been fleshed out a little more)

Lost Odyssey: Got scores ranging from 50% to 90+%. Suffered from slow pacing and technical issues. Had a good story, interesting characters and some well done turn based combat that require thinking instead of just repeatly selecting attack

Freelancer(its what privateer 2 should have been)
Vampire Bloodlines
The Darkness

Medal of Honor: Airborne for the excellent lean mechanic(best way to use cover in a FPS IMO) and the ability to start almost anywhere on the map.

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steven787 said:
Stranglehold. Fun and pretty. Got low scores for shallowness and being different. I hate reviewers.


Ditto short game but I enjoyed it also

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

Enclave (PC) The only problem with this game was that it was too short.


Crush, the best puzzle game I ever played and nobody would pry themselves away from their uninspired GTA, Pokemon and Mario games to even notice it.

Too Human is a great game I have played it for over 50 hours at this point. The combat takes a little while to get used to but once you do it really flows. All the loot in the game can be a lot of fun and the co op is a blast For me Too Human has been one of those games were you sit down to play for an hour and look up to see the clock saying 4:00am.

"They think I'm crazy, but I know better. It is not I who am crazy, it is I who am MAD!"



"Bolshe, luchshe, I kruche"

Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga. I know its just a combination of two previous games with ome extra levels, but its so much damn fun, and has at least 50 hours of gameplay

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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