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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ex-GameStop employee speaks out - questionable GameStop policies revealed

Man, this chick at my local Game Stop must love me, I always seem to get her when I go in and I reserve games in batches of 5 to 10 at a time.

eh, my biggest problem with Game Stop is that they seem to always keep one register open with 6 people working there while the line of customers is nearly going out the door.

Seriously, stop stocking the shelves and get rid of the line by opening a second register.

I own all three current consoles and a great gaming rig, now thats out of the way.

This space Reserved for the Nuggets of Wisdom dropped by Bladeforce:

"Why post something like this when all it will get is PS3 owners blinded to reality replying? BOTH THE PS3 AND BLUE-RAY WILL NOT LAST 3 YEARS! TECHNOLOGY CHANGED TOO FAST!"

"is it Wii FIt that has sold as many as PS3's sold? Thats a LOL Look at the total sales of software is it just me that sees Nintendo titles hitting 10m+ and you say they arent making a difference? Another LOL!"

"Hell, with all the negative hype Sony spin, people just aren't interested cost is too high and to get the true HD experience (1080p, 7.1 surround) you will need a $1000+ system. THAT IS GOING TO DO IT IN A RECESSION! PS4 will not happen"

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EB Games was much better before GS took 'em over. EB NEVER had any of those policies.

I used to know the guy that ran the local EB - He would personally drive to the EB warehouse to pick up reserved copies of games for the customers, and sold them to us a day before they came to market...Now it's usually 2 days after the game comes out, and only if you reserve the game.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

This is the only thing I learned from the video,
"* If you're employed at GameStop, you're signed up for a debit card service that nobody accepts and that you have to pay outrageous fees just to withdraw money from"

I use Gamestop sometimes and I will continue to use it. Of course, I like for most gaming things. Sometimes I use other online places and sometimes I go to other stores. It just depends on what I'm looking for. BTW, Hastings often sells games for even more than Gamestop.


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I watched the second part of the first video by this Yatzee-wannabe.

While Gamestop is not perfect, not everything he says seems to mesh with my experiences.

Game are examined (physically) and consoles tested. I have even seen them not take in incomplete systems many times and pirated games on those odd occasions. This is not to say that problems don't occur, but they are not routine where I am.

The stores I deal with (try) to watch for stolen property. I have heard of them working with LP at the places from where games tend to disappear (i.e., Target and Walmart). One reason not listed for mint condition games is "new old stock" which Gamestop buys from other firms.

Also, in my experience, the return policy for used games is 7 days for ANY REASON. That means I can take it back if I don't like it. And I can get my money back. That has saved me many times.

This all being said, you should not sell your games to Gamestop. It is a ripoff. But buying questionable titles used can save you money and headaches.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

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I'm not really surprised to hear any of this. I've problems with the Gamestops and EB games around me. After the last time I just stopped buying games from there and now I buy games only from Amazon, GameCrazy, or my local game store.

My blog: TsalagiDragon on Wordpress

My online store: Tsalagi Dreams 

My Twitter: @Scary4Eva

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Wow that is suprising. Thanks Sky Render.

/lol wfz

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

Sky Render said:

The video series is pretty hard to sum up, but I'll try to get the key points.

* GameStop employees are rated on how many trade-ins, magazine subscriptions, and reservations they get, which encourages them to do anything to raise their numbers for those things

This is true. If you are not bringing in enough numbers a week then you could be fired. This is similar to those whoe get comition for their work but in this case the incentive is to simply keep your job, at most get a promotion.

* The mark-ups on used products versus trade-in values are akin to a pawn shop's: they'll pay $25 for a traded in game which they then re-sell as used for $55

Also very much true, its really sad really how they do this. I slyly tell some customers where they might be able to find cheaper games and acc at other stores if applicable(shhhhh! dont tell anyone)

* GameStop knowingly buys stolen copies of video games to resell

This is partially true. The company does not know per say. It is more like we have a very promising hunch that a product might be stolen yet we cannot prove it so we take it anyway. If we didnt that would be denying a customer service which then goes into discrimination blah blah blah.

* Employee benefits are basically nonexistent, and promotions are a joke

TRUE! I get 15% off store merchandise except new systems.

* If you're employed at GameStop, you're signed up for a debit card service that nobody accepts and that you have to pay outrageous fees just to withdraw money from

Yes, we are payed on what is known as a Comdata card. Like a check card. It is only accepted at very select places. The only places that I have found that take it are my bank(bank of america) and McDonolds lol (who knew?)

* Corners are cut everywhere to reduce expenses: customers frequently get roped into being the play-testers for traded-in games and systems

This is not true at all stores. The truth of the matter is that Gamestop is a giant chain store. We get in about 200 trades a day. Do we really have time to check them all to see if they work? NO, it is impossible. Some games will play initially yet but freeze at a certain interval in the game. That is something we cannot anticipate. The policy for used stuff is 30 days if defective, 7 days if you dont like it. So honestly to further exploit a company that exploits you, buy a game and bring it back in 7 days and get your money back. It is like renting yet you are never actually paying for it, simply letting the store hold your money.

I am still currently an employee of gamestop and alot of this is not very far from the truth. I could not watch the video(they took it down I think) but te list you made is pretty accurate.

Not all GS employees are douches tho. I try to be as fair as I possibly can for the customer without getting fired. I even let some customers in on my employee discount.






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