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Forums - Gaming Discussion - you prefer turn based battles or real time?

Iori Yagami said:
Cactus said:
FFXII is the worst example to use when you say that real time rpg's suck. As Cougarman pointed out, it was turn based at it's core.

I play both, so I'm not saying the action-based one's suck. It's just that turn-based usually works better for JRPG's, because the combat system is usually repitive and shallow when thy try to do an action-based. A good JRPG that isn't turn-based is rare. Only one's I can think of are Rouge Galaxy... and that's about it.

You should try Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, and Tales.  Those are examples of JRPGs with good real time battle systems


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Iori Yagami said:
Cactus said:
FFXII is the worst example to use when you say that real time rpg's suck. As Cougarman pointed out, it was turn based at it's core.

I play both, so I'm not saying the action-based one's suck. It's just that turn-based usually works better for JRPG's, because the combat system is usually repitive and shallow when thy try to do an action-based. A good JRPG that isn't turn-based is rare. Only one's I can think of are Rouge Galaxy... and that's about it.



No, I agree with you about TB> realtime, I was just poining out that Final Fantasy XII isn't really realtime. If it were realtime, there would be no waiting in between attacks.

Honestly, I like both, and don't really have a favorite. I can play a game like FFX and FFVII, which are turn based, but I also love games like TWEWY, Star Ocean, and Tales, which have real time battle systems.

I feel the battle system's type is less important than many other aspects of the game.

...and imo FFXII was great.

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Riachu said:
Iori Yagami said:
Cactus said:
FFXII is the worst example to use when you say that real time rpg's suck. As Cougarman pointed out, it was turn based at it's core.

I play both, so I'm not saying the action-based one's suck. It's just that turn-based usually works better for JRPG's, because the combat system is usually repitive and shallow when thy try to do an action-based. A good JRPG that isn't turn-based is rare. Only one's I can think of are Rouge Galaxy... and that's about it.

You should try Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, and Tales.  Those are examples of JRPGs with good real time battle systems


I dislike Kingdom Hearts, and I don't consider it a good RPG. Star Ocean and Tales or two RPG's I will be buying for my 360. I just haven't gotten around to buying ToV yet.


Turn based of course, I don't mind real time though.

^^^ This is what you get for blowing a rumor out of proportion

Chocobo brain damage!!! Here, drink this diet Coke..*runs*

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ZenfoldorVGI said:

I feel the battle systems are less important than every other aspect of the game.

That's odd.

An RPG is a game you're probably going to be playing for over 50 hours. If the combat system isn't good, it's going to be a job playing instead of a game. It's one of the more important things more me when I decide to by an RPG. It was also the #1 reason I didn't by TWEWY despite it's good reviews.


Cactus said:
Iori Yagami said:
Cactus said:
FFXII is the worst example to use when you say that real time rpg's suck. As Cougarman pointed out, it was turn based at it's core.

I play both, so I'm not saying the action-based one's suck. It's just that turn-based usually works better for JRPG's, because the combat system is usually repitive and shallow when thy try to do an action-based. A good JRPG that isn't turn-based is rare. Only one's I can think of are Rouge Galaxy... and that's about it.



No, I agree with you about TB> realtime, I was just poining out that Final Fantasy XII isn't really realtime. If it were realtime, there would be no waiting in between attacks.


That's not actually true in every case. Almost all action rpgs have what's known as a Cooldown between moves. For instance, in Gears of War, if you could whack off 5 melee attacks in one second, melee would be overpowered. So you have to wait a certain amount of time.

World of Warcraft also has global cooldowns after most spells or abilities.

Tales, for instance, you have pauses during combos after every 3rd or 4th attack. Otherwise, you could keep somebody stunlocked indefinitely.

So yes, in FFXII, there is a semblance of the ATB system, which has its roots in turn based gameplay, however every action game has to keep its most powerful moves from being spammed without interruption, and therefore cooldowns are employed, which shouldn't be confused, but can often be represented as cooldown bars that scroll across the screen.

Spells having cooldowns and a game being turnbased are two entirely different things.

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Iori Yagami said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

I feel the battle systems are less important than every other aspect of the game.

That's odd.

An RPG is a game you're probably going to be playing for over 50 hours. If the combat system isn't good, it's going to be a job playing instead of a game. It's one of the more important things more me when I decide to by an RPG. It was also the #1 reason I didn't by TWEWY despite it's good reviews.



Thank you, I care what you think, and your harsh implicative statements endear you to me.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


LOL Tales of series pwens all JRPGs in gameplay..

Tales active with direct control is best
then turn based with Menus

and all the way at the bottom..real time with menus...I just pure hate the gameplay then (FFIV- FFX-2)

deathcape said:
LOL Tales of series pwens all JRPGs in gameplay..


I agree. Some action jrpgs are very deep, and aren't button mashing. That is a common misconception. However, I respect people who have opinions the other way. Still, I'm fairly confident in my assertion that most people's opinions are biased due to lack of experience with both sides of the coin.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
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