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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who think's the xbox 360 will outsell the PS3 for the holiday season?

darthdevidem01 said:
Ronster316 said:
Both have unproven franchises... ie Left 4 Dead and LBP, both have established games like Gears of war 2 and Resistance 2

Purely on Gears 1 success 1st time round and more people been less worried about RROD (And gears 1 fans returning who may have suffered RROD back in the day) those returning could be a factor..........

On the strength of Banjo 3, Gears 2, Fable 2 and Left 4 Dead is see 360 taking this holiday reason

Yeah just like 360 took last holiday season with Halo 3, Mass Effect, Bioshock.....

oh wait.....{it didn't}


Last year was sonys 1st full year on the market, hardly suprising that the loyalist's bought it, I just personally think that the 360 has the stronger line up this year between now and december...... simple as that


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I believe the 360 wll outsell the PS3 by around 15% WW this holiday.


I wonder if they both got a price cut.... Which would sell more...

iron_megalith said:
I wonder if they both got a price cut.... Which would sell more...


if the ps3 is selling more than 360 even with a price cut, just imagine what would happen to the 360 sales WW compared to ps3

It will, the price cut plus a significantly better holiday lineup will push it over the top.

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I think worldwide PS3 will win slightly.

360 might slip a weekly spike or two in initially but thats about it. The price was never it's problem. Faulty hardware was and still is a big issue. Alot of early 360 adopters are burned by it. Also the 360's reign on exclusives are long gone. Most things that were exclusive at the starte of this gen are slowly coming to PS3, just as many PS2 titles came to 360. They are moving UP. Bioshock and Eternal Sonata, originally 360 exclusive games are now coming to PS3. Vapire Rain Altered Species too. Oh and dont forget Alone in the Dark.

Many of the 360 said big exclusives did not fair so well, at least the first couple to release. Too Human Flopped HARD! Infinite Undiscovery got called out for what it was, a cheap FF/Star Ocean hybrid(Infinite=Final, come on, who didnt see that). Tales of V was good but still failed to steal the main JRPG audience which lies with the PS brand. Now all MS has left now is Fable 2 and Gears of War 2.

Sony can easily match those this year with the releases of Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea 3, Naruto Ulitimate Ninja Storm and a few others. Not to mention Sony already has the jump on early next year with Infamous, Tekken 6, and Killzone 2.

No, MS will not do better....




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PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

CrazzyMan said:
The thing is that, PS3 this year is MUCH stronger competitor, then a year ago.
All what M$ got this year, is pricecut in NA + Gears 2 and Fable 2.
Gears 2 probably will sell to same people, who bought x360 for gears. So, not a system seller.
Fable 2 has chances, BUT it might happen, that Fable crowd alread bought x360 for Mass Effect.

Overall, it`s 200$ and 300$ x360 models vs 400$ ps3 model.
The difference is 200$ in first case and only 100$ in second case.

Well, 200$ price is a good for casuals.. but not for gamers.

I wonder, if PS3 line up is only Sony weapon in NA this Christmas... =)


Amen :D

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

NA- maybe.
europe - big no
japan - even bigger no.

it will do certain weeks, when gears fable are released.

but not by much.

Just for something to do because I'm really boared now I tallied up what people said and 27 people believe the X360 won't outsell the PS3 and 9 think that the X360 will outsell the PS3.

I guess it's now official the xbox 360 won't outsell the PS3 this holiday, oh well