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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - New Conduit info!

People: offline multiplayer is LAN. There is no splitscreen announced for this game.

Other than that: this game will be incredible. I hope EA publishes it, I would cry if Nintendo was the publisher (it will be another Battalion Wars if that happens).

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It could be SquareSoft... it's the type of game they've been looking at having under their belt.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Yeah let EA publish it not Nintendo so we can show people that none Nintendo games do sell if you put time into them like Conduit.

I bet on Ninty.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

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pimpcoop said:
Yeah let EA publish it not Nintendo so we can show people that none Nintendo games do sell if you put time into them like Conduit.

I'm sorry. I can't understand anything you just said... What?

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Resident_Hazard said:
Pretendo said:
LAn play is great. I hope the publisher is Nintendo.



No no, Nintendo should not publish.  All that'll do is reinforce that stereotype that "only Nintendo games sell on Nintendo systems." 

Be interesting if they had a Japanese publisher on the thing.  Like Sega or Konami. 



Well we wouldn't want that now would we (Sarcasm)

What about the reputation Nintendo has for ignoring the first person shooter genre and creating kiddy games. I know its false you know its false but for all the nimrods who missed Giest they still believe it. I think its about time Nintendo became known for supporting all of the genre's.

Nintendo has a reputation to uphold being the best developer for every genre of games a reputation they got during the SNES/N64 from Yoshi Safari leading shooters of the SNES to GoldenEye on the N64. What we need is a new Nintendo shooter that will blow everyone away and show people Nintendo isn't afraid to venture on the wild side and give gamers what they want (An over glorified Halo).

As for destroying the stereo type only Nintendo games sell on Nintendo systems. Leave the stereotype smashing to the proffesionals at UbiSoft. I can gaurantee RedSteel2 will do more for trashing that stereotype then Conduit will regardless of publisher. Wiimotion plus in RedSteel2 will give gamers a truely amazing third party game.

Besides if they are already working with Nintendo directly to support LAN why not go to the next level and get the game published by the best.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


pimpcoop said:
Yeah let EA publish it not Nintendo so we can show people that none Nintendo games do sell if you put time into them like Conduit.


The real question is, will The Conduit actually sell without Nintendo directly publishing it? Ask yourself seriously look at the likes of RedSteel who went before it. RedSteel sold a butt load but it was a launch title, today would RedSteel sell that well?

Will the Conduit sell worth crap without Nintendo's stamp on the cover? Maybe but will it sell nearly as well as if Nintendo published it themselves? No!

If it does have to be picked up by someone then I hope UbiSoft or ActivisionBlizzard pick it up. People suggesting EA, the big conglomerate doesn't need another platform monopoly let them create a decent game themselves to compete in the Wii market space!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer