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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Currently #1 on Amazon

When are the numbers comin....


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New hour!

2) PS3 (Same)
7) Controller (Down 1)
12) BR remote (Same)
42) Resistance (Up 1)
45) Ninja Gaiden (Up 1)
47) Lair (Up 1)
49) Madden (Up 8)
80)PS3 Charge Base (New)

Still bored




Well im getting my PS3 tommarrow. Its gunna kick some...



roadkillers said:
Well im getting my PS3 tommarrow. Its gunna kick some...


Yea!!! What game are you gettin?


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What numbers?????

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

New Hour!

2) PS3 (Same)
7) Controller (Same)
12) BR remote (Down 2)
42) Resistance (Down 1)
45) Ninja Gaiden (Down 1)
47) Lair (Same)
53) Madden (Down 4)
76) Memory Card adapter (Same)
80) PS3 Charge Base (Down 1)

ok i'm just gonna go ahead and count how many wii games i get to on the amazon list before i get to the first ps3 game. There are 8 Wii games in the top 28 sellers before you even get to the first PS3 game at 44.

There is also 3 xbox360 games before you get to the first PS3 game (no, i didn't count halo 3 more than once)

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

johnsobas said:
ok i'm just gonna go ahead and count how many wii games i get to on the amazon list before i get to the first ps3 game. There are 8 Wii games in the top 28 sellers before you even get to the first PS3 game at 44.

There is also 3 xbox360 games before you get to the first PS3 game (no, i didn't count halo 3 more than once)

 Some one is feeling insecure about hios wiis future.

no i'm just participating in the thread that has all the sudden stopped when it didn't have a positive look for Sony. I don't care, I think amazon numbers are worthless and i posted that much earlier in this thread. Apparently only PS3 fans can post when their system is #1 and their games are high, but i can't.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X