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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Currently #1 on Amazon

it is not an indication. PS3s are selling well below the buying price of 500$ while wii is selling well above 250$ and is supply constrained. People only started following this when suddenly PS3 went to #1. Why weren't we all following it all along if it was so accurate?

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Around the Network
roadkillers said:

PS: I bought a PS3 off amazon yesturday.

Congratulation and welcome on board. You should also appear here:

it will be te last week that ps3 will beat xbox sales .

xbox360 said:
it will be te last week that ps3 will beat xbox sales .

How do you figure?  I hope you're not just talking about Amazon because it's still down quite a bit. 

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Around the Network

PS3 still number 4 on the 19th day since the price cut, only being outsold by the Wii and the pre-orders of Smash Bros. and Mario which I'm assuming just started meaning they could drop off quickly since the games are still very far away.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

20th Day, PS3 is 3rd, extra controller is 8th, BR remote is 13th.

The games have gone down some from the first and second weeks. Resistance and NGS are in the 40s, but on the other hand Lair is being pre ordered by some because it has gone up to 45. T

The release date for that is the 14th of August.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

xbox360 said:
it will be te last week that ps3 will beat xbox sales .

IN north america maybe, but elsewhere the 360 is being outsold.


ckmlb said:
20th Day, PS3 is 3rd, extra controller is 8th, BR remote is 13th.

The games have gone down some from the first and second weeks. Resistance and NGS are in the 40s, but on the other hand Lair is being pre ordered by some because it has gone up to 45. T

The release date for that is the 14th of August.


LOL. Keep reaching for that rainbow!  :D


23rd Day, PS3 is 2nd, extra controller is 6h and BR remote is 11th.

Resistance is 44th, Lair is 50th, NGS is 52nd, Madden 08 is 57th.

23 Days since the price cut and the PS3 has stayed in the top 5 on Amazon Video Games ever since.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!