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Forums - Sony Discussion - New Version Of PlayStation 3 To Go On Sale In August

About people getting pissed, I don't think Sony really should care.

Sony are shooting for similar numbers they got last generation - so the measily 3.5 million sales they got now doesn't really matter to them (and not all of the users will complain, maybe around 25% of them).

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well, it is not too bad even if the 80Go was not really needed ...
they should only have make a price cut + bundle.

Are you sure it is an limited edition ?

PS3 sales can improve because of the price cut.
And remember NGS is selling very well.
but if Microsoft make a price cut too, things will be different ...

OH, some E3 rumors,

- price cut for all console
- Xbox portable for microsoft
- PSP light for sony

Time to Work !

BenKenobi88 said:
ckmlb said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Why are people saying the 80 GB is cheaper?

Then why the hell does it cost us more??


Because the new 80 gb versions have lower production costs with all that they changed with emulation and stuff.


Honestly, I understand why it costs less to produce an 80 GB version.

Which is why I'm pissed, because it costs Sony less, but they're charging more.

Because Sony wants to get rid of the 60GB stock.

How else could they possibly do it? Charge more for the larger model? Who would buy it? Simply put them in a landfill? Find every 60GB model and put an 80B HDD in there? The simplest solution is to simply eat money on the 60B model and when they're all gone, simply replace it with the 80GB model.


Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

E3 Rumours debunked by Sam :)

- Price cut on all consoles - erm, why would Nintendo even bother cutting the price?
- Xbox portable for Microsoft - it won't happen this generation of handhelds (maybe next generation)
- PSP light for Sony - yeah, this is the only one that seems reasonable to me.

grimygunz said:
IM wondering why people think that the 60gb modle will go away because of this. the premium 360 went no where when the elite came out. the fact that the 60gb modle got cheaper makes it more consumer friendly then 600 bux. motorstorm and 20gb of space is basically for people who were saving for a ps3 at 600 bux. other than hardcore gamers online most regular consumers have heard nothing of the 60gb price drop because it wasn't offcialy announced.

nobody can sit here and tell me that if they had 600 bux for a ps3 and then went into a gameing store to buy the system and finds out that they can get a new 80 gb model for the price they saved up for with a free game (worth 60 bux)and a 5 free blu-ray movies (worth 20-40 bux each)

The 60GB model will go because it makes no sense for Sony to sell it any more. The 80GB model is likely cheaper than the 60GB model, and I would be shocked if the 60B model is even being manufactured any more.

The 60B model was simply iven a price drop to clear up the stock

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

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That makes sense, I believe that this limited edition thing will go on till the stocks of 60gigs are gone and then the 80gig drops down to $499 (or lower) and becomes the sole SKU. Too bad that North America will now be losing the hardware emulation, but that just makes grabbing the 60gig before they're gone that much more important I guess.

leo-j said:
naznatips said:
Of course it will boost sales a little, but what is with these expectations of doubling sales??? It's not that big a cut, considering there was already a 20GB with nearly the same capabilities at that price that sold so bad it was discontinued. I don't think this will happen to the 60GB, but it certainly shows that $500 isn't some magic "save the PS3" number. It's going to take a larger price cut. My prediction is sales increase between 10% and 20%. There will likely be a 30%-50% increase for the first week on the people who were waiting.


Here's the difference, the new $599.99 model brings a game included, as well as a lager Harddrive, not only that but when I chekec how many ps3's were left in stores in gamestop around my area it said 4+ and 1-3,but one store in miami beach had sold out in one day they had 0.(I check these things every day) Just the day before they had 4+.

Of course it's different, I just said it's not different enough.  Here is my anecdotal evidence:

I had to go up to campus today, and I figured I would check the EBgames about a block away while I was up there, because I knew Sony fanboys would immediately claim after this price drop that PS3s are sold out everywhere.  The EBgames clerk there has been complaining for months that corporate won't stop sending him PS3s which he can't sell, and he was up to 24 in the stock room at one point (at 4 a week this is very bad).  I walked in, said "So, how have the PS3s been selling today with the new price" this is around noon, the store opens at 9:30, he replied "No one has bought any yet."  A couple seconds later a man walked in saying "I heard there was a price drop on the PS3s."  The clerk said "Yeah, they are down to $499 now and $599 for one with a larger hard drive, bundled with a game, and it comes with 5 movies for a limited time." the guy then said "What the hell? That's not a price drop they already cost $499." and walked out. Obviously this is a casual consumer who didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the market, but the point remains.  This price drop will not have more than a 10%-20% boost in PS3 sales (if they are lucky).

NJ5 said:
theshoe23 said:
For the LAST LAST time, the 20 gig sold great. They just didn't make enough of them for people to BUY THEM!!!!

Not according to Sony:

When I see someone saying a sentence starting with "For the LAST LAST time", I expect them to have thoroughly checked what they're about to say. Apparently, it isn't always the case. Can we stop spreading this myth now?


Come now, do you honestly think any company would admit to poor sales, they pulled that model because it was costing them too much to sell. Period. End of story!

 By the way, I'm just joking around,  but that (what I said about the 20gigger) was always my assumption.


Last week when it was a straight price drop, everybody was happy. Now that they've added a completely unrelated second model at a higher price, suddenly it's not a price drop and everybody's flipping out.

Earlier in this thread Gamerace suggested this was a mistake by Sony because they're sending a muddled message to casual consumers about the price drop. This, I think, is the only remotely legitimate criticism of the move I've heard so far. Adding the 80 gig might confuse casual consumers who haven't been following the story. But those of you in this thread who should know better have absolutely no excuse to be acting like children over this.

Yes, the 80 gig model is a bad deal - that's why you don't buy it. But its existence doesn't take away anything from the fact that the 60 gig is still around, and that it costs $100 less than it used to. "But aaaaaaaggggh," you say, "They didn't change anything! It's still $600 because I have to buy the most expensive version!" No, you don't. And acting hysterical doesn't change that.

theshoe23 said:
NJ5 said:
theshoe23 said:
For the LAST LAST time, the 20 gig sold great. They just didn't make enough of them for people to BUY THEM!!!!

Not according to Sony:

When I see someone saying a sentence starting with "For the LAST LAST time", I expect them to have thoroughly checked what they're about to say. Apparently, it isn't always the case. Can we stop spreading this myth now?


Come now, do you honestly think any company would admit to poor sales, they pulled that model because it was costing them too much to sell. Period. End of story!

 By the way, I'm just joking around,  but that (what I said about the 20gigger) was always my assumption.


not neccisarily.. i know alot of people that passed up on the 20 gig because they wanted the wifi and extra hardrive space... me included.. i had an opportunity to get a 20 gig but i passed up on so did alot of others..

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
PSNTAG= Xander732