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Last week when it was a straight price drop, everybody was happy. Now that they've added a completely unrelated second model at a higher price, suddenly it's not a price drop and everybody's flipping out.

Earlier in this thread Gamerace suggested this was a mistake by Sony because they're sending a muddled message to casual consumers about the price drop. This, I think, is the only remotely legitimate criticism of the move I've heard so far. Adding the 80 gig might confuse casual consumers who haven't been following the story. But those of you in this thread who should know better have absolutely no excuse to be acting like children over this.

Yes, the 80 gig model is a bad deal - that's why you don't buy it. But its existence doesn't take away anything from the fact that the 60 gig is still around, and that it costs $100 less than it used to. "But aaaaaaaggggh," you say, "They didn't change anything! It's still $600 because I have to buy the most expensive version!" No, you don't. And acting hysterical doesn't change that.