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grimygunz said:
IM wondering why people think that the 60gb modle will go away because of this. the premium 360 went no where when the elite came out. the fact that the 60gb modle got cheaper makes it more consumer friendly then 600 bux. motorstorm and 20gb of space is basically for people who were saving for a ps3 at 600 bux. other than hardcore gamers online most regular consumers have heard nothing of the 60gb price drop because it wasn't offcialy announced.

nobody can sit here and tell me that if they had 600 bux for a ps3 and then went into a gameing store to buy the system and finds out that they can get a new 80 gb model for the price they saved up for with a free game (worth 60 bux)and a 5 free blu-ray movies (worth 20-40 bux each)

The 60GB model will go because it makes no sense for Sony to sell it any more. The 80GB model is likely cheaper than the 60GB model, and I would be shocked if the 60B model is even being manufactured any more.

The 60B model was simply iven a price drop to clear up the stock

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