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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan Sales up!

peachbuggy said:
Anyone else noticed that in terms of hardware sold, the U.K. market is bigger than Japan this week? I think Japan is starting to lose its significance. So should there be 4 sections now? U.S. U.K. Japan and Others?


Its not chosen so much on sales - mostly on release dates. The UK shares release dates with most of Europe, and they're usually within a week of Aussie releases. So they're all lumped together, rest of the world bundled in to round off others


USA and Canada share most release dates, so they're lumped together, Mexico and SA are bundled in for geographical reasons


Japan shares releases with no-one


On topic - I think these numbers are particularly significant - the DS seems to be glued back in the top spot, PSP seems to be holding on to 2nd, Wii needs to have some big releases to get back to 2nd.

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CrazzyMan said:
hmmm...... Wii's not doing so hot.......


Contrary to the PSP and the PS3, which are dominating in Nowhereland, and particularly on Ever street. It's in the Others region.

Yes, I think I'm cute.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


This doesn't really surprise me. This time of year, up until late November or so, is always a pretty slow month for the consoles. I'm just waiting for some fanboys to come in and start declaring the Wii's doom, since it only sold 30k instead of its normal 45k+, while the PS3 and 360 barely manage to pull 10k units combined. When you're bottomed out, you simply can't drop anymore. The Wii has further to drop, so it looks worse.

CrazzyMan said:
hmmm...... Wii's not doing so hot.......

Too late. They're already here.

I'm more interested in software. Few more weeks and the DS is going to own 30 of the top 50 games (if it hasn't already in the last few weeks?).

These numbers are low...

PS3 significant under 10k units in their own country. it is a slap in sonys face.

Xbox360 with shortages doing bad, without shortages it might been better

Even the Wii is low.


not a great week for the industry

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

Is this the lowest the ps3 has ever sold in Japan? Ps3 am dead.

I hope Japan takes a liking to LittleBigPlanet. :(

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Gnizmo said:
Jo21 said:




its selling the same it sold 3800 before ToV which its very done for by now.


 It is selling the same as before but it is selling it on an off week. Normally when you see the other consoles at those numbers you have the 360 at ~2,000. I would say it is likely that the system sold out the week ToV was released and the supply is running a little low leading to the higher numbers over the last couple weeks. It will settle back into its normal salesnext week or the week after I suspect.

normal sales aroound 3k :/

1000 is not a huge boost considering ToV was released not long ago.

Has it occurred to anyone that this is a week after a holiday season (or whatever happened in Japan last week) and that usually means that hardware and software see a large drop? I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this since last week in Japan was above average and this week is below average. But I suppose a week this abysmal for the market would make someone forget the last one.

All systems did horribly. The PSP has several releases for Japan lined up for the end of the year so it wouldn't be impossible for it to pass the DS in weekly sales again. The PS3's poor sales are expected since the only two games coming out this week are Afrika and Battlefield: Bad Company (seems like a poor combination of games to appeal to the Japanese). This isn't the lowest the Wii had even been in Japan, if memory serves. It hit a pretty big slump in 2007 before Wii Fit came out, where it might have dipped below 20k (can't really remember).

The 360 boost from Tales of Vesperia is still holding strong, but I think the hardware sales are in anticipation for the release of Infinite Undiscovery in early September. Seriously, two huge RPGs in the course of a month and this is the best the 360 can do? Count me as unimpressed. Of course you could claim that it's because of a sellout, but then you'd have to ask yourself how much it would sell if there wasn't a sellout. 4k? 5k? Pretty insignificant either way.



MontanaHatchet said:
Has it occurred to anyone that this is a week after a holiday season (or whatever happened in Japan last week) and that usually means that hardware and software see a large drop? I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this since last week in Japan was above average and this week is below average. But I suppose a week this abysmal for the market would make someone forget the last one.

All systems did horribly. The PSP has several releases for Japan lined up for the end of the year so it wouldn't be impossible for it to pass the DS in weekly sales again. The PS3's poor sales are expected since the only two games coming out this week are Afrika and Battlefield: Bad Company (seems like a poor combination of games to appeal to the Japanese). This isn't the lowest the Wii had even been in Japan, if memory serves. It hit a pretty big slump in 2007 before Wii Fit came out, where it might have dipped below 20k (can't really remember).

The 360 boost from Tales of Vesperia is still holding strong, but I think the hardware sales are in anticipation for the release of Infinite Undiscovery in early September. Seriously, two huge RPGs in the course of a month and this is the best the 360 can do? Count me as unimpressed. Of course you could claim that it's because of a sellout, but then you'd have to ask yourself how much it would sell if there wasn't a sellout. 4k? 5k? Pretty insignificant either way.

Its a bit difficult to accurately measure sales numbers when there isn't many, if any, X360's left on the market.  Considering the speed at which the X360 sold out in Japan (literally the day after TOV was released), I would say 4K - 5K is understating the potential.  Rather it appears a 10K consistent sell through weekly average (key is average) for the month of August should have been very possible.  Followed up with Infinite Discovery, we might be seeing maybe 10K weekly average sell through for September and possibly October also.


PS2 might have outsold the PS3


Japan is really not into consoles anymore...

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...