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Forums - Sony Discussion - All hail the Sony leader!

I claim this thread for naznatips. You have been usurped good sir! Bow before your new god.

I rarely get a chance to abuse my power.

Around the Network

Holy shit this thread has changed. I see it has evolved into boob warfare, very dangerous.

naznatips said:

I claim this thread for naznatips. You have been usurped good sir! Bow before your new god.

I rarely get a chance to abuse my power.





oh GOD, Where's Monti!

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
naznatips said:

I claim this thread for naznatips. You have been usurped good sir! Bow before your new god.

I rarely get a chance to abuse my power.

Yes, yes all hail NAZNATIPS!


megaman2 said:

I will be taking up the position as the Sony leader, I feel too much Sony bashing has been going on Vg chartz and I am here to stop it, me and my team of experts will make sure that this this Sony bashing comes to an end!

Feel free to join my clan, people that have so far joined are:

  • naznatips(God)
  • psrock (Loyal slave of naznatips)
  • Starcraft (Supreme Commander of the Dark Army)
  • Gebx (Supreme Overlord of PWN'age)
  • Colonellstubbs (Colonel!)
  • Headshot91 (general)
  • Montana hatchet (vice captain)
  • Squillaim (refused application)
  • jaggedsac (colonel)
  • barozi
  • blazinghead89 (brigadier)
  • msr8tr (new member)
  • jason77 (brigadier soldier)
  • acevil (new member)
  • the completist (marksman)
  • spankey (rear admiral)
  • jo21 (new member)
  • rock_on (you will be missed soldier)
  • omgwtfbbq (general)
  • kgbg
  • Xen (general)
  • skeeuk (general)
  • disolitude
  • tombi123
  • bigfatj (luitenant)
  • kz2 (tactical espionage)
  • badgenome
  • steve787 (new member)
  • aj_habfan (recently joined)
  • munkey11 (new member)
  • lafield (begged to join the team)
  • corruptmirage (new member)
  • pichu_pichu (roof sniper)
  • djmeister ( application is being processed)
  • valkiraya00 (refused application!)
  • psrock (sandwich man)
  • bugrimmar (bait!)
  • cougarman (brigadier)
  • lightbleeder (deadly sniper)
  • obliterator1700 (field marshal)
  • dgc1808 ((ak47 specialist)
  • anarchywest (m4 carbine specialist)
  • brawl4life (martial art expert)

"I am Megaman2. And I see a whole army of my soldiers,
here in defiance of tyranny! You have come to fight as free soldiers. And
free soldiers  you are! What will you do without victory?

Fight and you may die. Run and you will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here as young soldiers and tell our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take our ps3!

The team will be called The Sony Resistance: Army of Darkness - The Sony Hit Squad--we take you out one post at a time


I claim this clan in the name of naznatips.  Bow before my power.  And don't take life too serious ;)



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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
Around the Network

Naz, maybe you should promote Soriku to a high position as well?

To Each Man, Responsibility

I guess Naztips wins......

This has been one hell of an election. THe level of bribary was amazing...

LBP will be Huge.

4 ≈ One

I will not be abused this way.

I am the Boobs leader.


I'm still second in power.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

All Hail the Phoenix Wright King! All Hail King Naznatips!


this war has ended, there is no way i can win against a mog, i mean a mod

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