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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Final Fantasy XIII on Xbox 360 IN JAPAN!!!!!!!

This thread grew.

There seems to be a strong consensus that Final Fantasy XIII could come to the Xbox 360 in Japan.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Around the Network
Jason77 said:

"FF XIII versus might be on X360"
I don't think Sony will let it happen again
If it happen then is good to everyone


I remember people saying the same thing about FF13.....

4 ≈ One

starcraft said:
This thread grew.

There seems to be a strong consensus that Final Fantasy XIII could come to the Xbox 360 in Japan.

Read all the posts. It appears most are saying FF XIII will never come to the X360 in Japan.


starcraft said:
This thread grew.

There seems to be a strong consensus that Final Fantasy XIII could come to the Xbox 360 in Japan.

Nah Starcraft, I think the consensus is 360 owners Hoping for it to happen.

starcraft said:
This thread grew.

There seems to be a strong consensus that Final Fantasy XIII could come to the Xbox 360 in Japan.


Flame-bait much??

Around the Network
blazinhead89 said:
Japanese would buy PS3 version anyway


I'm not so sure about that, when they can pick up TOV, IU, SO4, LO and TLR for the 360 as well.

starcraft said:
This thread grew.

There seems to be a strong consensus that Final Fantasy XIII could come to the Xbox 360 in Japan.

Well it seems like it would be very easy for SE to release it on the 360 in Japan. They would already have the PS3 version in Japanese. Then they would have the completed 360 version for Western consoles and it would be easy to just implement the Japanese instead of the English that would be in the Western version and put it out in Japan. I'm not saying it will happen, but it wouldn't be that difficult and probably wouldn't require too much work on SE's part. ;-p


starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

Haven't clicked the link yet, but I thought it'd be a pic of the FFXIII box on top of an XBOX 360. People used to do that old gag all the time, on this site.

selnor said:
blazinhead89 said:
Japanese would buy PS3 version anyway


I'm not so sure about that, when they can pick up TOV, IU, SO4, LO and TLR for the 360 as well.


 I'm sorry but there's just as many RPG's being announced on the PS3. There's TLR, WKC, D3, VC and FFV13. You should really consider both sides.

Starcraft trolling as you give a bad name to MS trolls.....