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Forums - Sales Discussion - American sales ps3 on the rise and wii falling!

LBP will kill the GTA4 did and then MGS4 did for the second time....wait?? what?? i got killed twice??? and its going for its third death...something is not right...

.......*thinks all over again*.....

.....Oh yeah, both GTA4 and MGS4 didnt even get close and it did NOT change anything.

Well, lets see if "La tercera es la vencida" (third is the winner, sounds better in spanish), i dont think it will, but some people might.

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One week is not a trend, so who knows. It could be related, or it could just be a strange week.

more like stores holding back for sunday- toysrus and walmart had the wii on sale sunday, so i expect the wii to have a much larger week this week.

Wow. Now PS3's on par with the 360 in the americas.. That didn't take too long...

Gearbox said:

Could the drop in wii sales in america and the increase of ps3 sales be caused all by littlebigplanet and resistance?

Or are there other factors?


I don't know what the cause is, but I can assure you it has nothing to do with two games that aren't out yet.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

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The fad is over people realise that they could get a cute game like LBP so they got rid of their wii's the all the other games failed but LBP won't it will be the game that kills the wii,your dream is over nintendo fanboys,sony will be back on top!

OMG, it's raining cheeseburgers. The apocalypse is upon us! Ohh wait, no... NEVERMIND guys, false alarm. It was just a squirrel chewing on the number cables. Should be all fixed up in a few weeks.

Gearbox, you want it so bad you can taste it? Tell me what it tastes like.

Umm...didn't Nintendo increase production for the Wii a few months ago?? All of this "Wii is being stockpiled for holidays" or "The Wii has finally saturated the market" stuff really doesn't and shouldn't make any sense.

I think the real reason why the Wii's sales are headed downward could be that the Wii simply sold a low amount for this week. Or the summer season is drawing down to a close.....but that doesn't say anything about the PS3's increase now does it.

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


I am out here in Northeast Ohio and let me tell you when stores do get them in they are gone real quick. I have been looking, let me clear that up I just have not seen any on store shelves. I do call stores on a regulary basis and they sell out soon after the stores are open.

Yes the Wii has been dropping the past few weeks, but I at this point would have to attribute it to just the Summer lullz and nothing more now if this continues into the next few months, then you might beable to call it a trend that would be worth examining. As of now it just isn't worth looking at. Besaides, 75k is still a very strong number.