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Forums - Sony Discussion - GT5 - No crash damage. Also, is it getting delayed?

Your all right, Gran Turismo 5 will now be complete and total shit, probably won't sell more than 1 copy, and that will be to Tispower... I guess Tis, you'll have to let us all know just how shitty GT5 is since no one else will ever buy it.

Wait a second, weren't there race games that had CD when GT4 came out? That means that GT4 was shit too and no one would buy it!

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vizunary said:
Your all right, Gran Turismo 5 will now be complete and total shit, probably won't sell more than 1 copy, and that will be to Tispower... I guess Tis, you'll have to let us all know just how shitty GT5 is since no one else will ever buy it.

Wait a second, weren't there race games that had CD when GT4 came out? That means that GT4 was shit too and no one would buy it!

 Hey, now there's a witty and constructive response.

I'm sure GT5 will be a good or possibly great game.  At the moment, though, any speculation as to how good the game will be is just that -- speculation.  Leave it at that and judge what is available to play right now.

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.

URNotE said:
kn said:
Woof said:

Its funny as hell how scared shietless wii/360 fanboys are of GT.

And it's funny also how you cling to a game not coming out until late next year. For the time being, Forza 2 is the top of the food chain driving simulator -- period. You can say all you want about how "great" GT5 *will be*, but, then, that's all you have. A wish. A hope. Others are currently playing Forza 2 and enjoying it. You should try it. It's actually quite an amazing game.

i have tried it... i think ill stick to playing GT4 and PGR...

 Really?  How long did you play it and what cars/tracks did you play?  At first, I wasn't that impressed, but as I played it a bit more and tried the different cars I realized just how well the actual cars are physically modelled in the game.  Each car is a unique experience based on the different attributes.  If you only drove a lap or two, you really didn't play the game and probably left with the same impression I did -- meh.  It's far -- very, very far -- from "meh" once you really dive under the covers.

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.

vizunary said:
Your all right, Gran Turismo 5 will now be complete and total shit, probably won't sell more than 1 copy, and that will be to Tispower... I guess Tis, you'll have to let us all know just how shitty GT5 is since no one else will ever buy it.

Wait a second, weren't there race games that had CD when GT4 came out? That means that GT4 was shit too and no one would buy it!

and get people to pay for my review

but yeah, that seems to be the consensus in thse forums the game is still a year away (if you expected it to come out earlier, that was just wishful thinking), many things could change. Plus, there still is going to be crash damage, just maybe not on some cars, but personally I would prefer having a few cars that didn't (although they'll probs be reserved for time attack or something, much like the Caterham 7 in GT4), but have the option of driving them.

One person's experience or opinion never shows the general consensus

PSN ID: Tispower


thats not the g*ddamn point, the point is you will still be buying while the game hasn't made any progres accept the graphics. You have to agree in a racing sim damage is a must these days, this just sounds lazy. or they wouldn't categorize ist as a racing sim becouse it just isn't. (and certainly not the best)

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late 2008...just in time for Forza 3?

2008 year end sales (made in January 2008):

44.2 M 27.1 M 20.8 M

I don't really care if the crash damage is in the game or not. I like to keep my cars all pretty and shiny. I do think they need to work on the AI, the computer controlled cars don't seem to know I am on the track in GT4.

When is GT PSP supposed to come out? That's the main reason I bought a PSP, after seeing it play at E3 before it even came out..... 3 years ago!!!

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

SleepWaking said:
thats not the g*ddamn point, the point is you will still be buying while the game hasn't made any progres accept the graphics. You have to agree in a racing sim damage is a must these days, this just sounds lazy. or they wouldn't categorize ist as a racing sim becouse it just isn't. (and certainly not the best)

 I guess so, however, I think I'll wait til jan '08 before I decide anything about this game, as a year is too long to speculate really. Hmm, is the new Codemasters game out before then? I.e the current-gen (it's not next-gen anymore ) version of TOCA.

One person's experience or opinion never shows the general consensus

PSN ID: Tispower


mancandy said:
I don't really care if the crash damage is in the game or not. I like to keep my cars all pretty and shiny. I do think they need to work on the AI, the computer controlled cars don't seem to know I am on the track in GT4.

When is GT PSP supposed to come out? That's the main reason I bought a PSP, after seeing it play at E3 before it even came out..... 3 years ago!!!

there's still TOCA 2 for PSP, although I haven't got it, so can't give you my opinion of it :/


btw, here's another take on the GT5 details:

As you can see, Yaumachi doesn't want the damage system on it immediately, he just want time to perfect it, a bit like it has taken this long for GT to have a dashboard view, as to make it as good as the rest of the game is, each dashboard will have to be different for each car, so it's more about he needs more time, than it won't happen.

One person's experience or opinion never shows the general consensus

PSN ID: Tispower


SleepWaking said:
thats not the g*ddamn point, the point is you will still be buying while the game hasn't made any progres accept the graphics. You have to agree in a racing sim damage is a must these days, this just sounds lazy. or they wouldn't categorize ist as a racing sim becouse it just isn't. (and certainly not the best)

 Heres a point.

 the damage in all racing games now is BULL SHIET, its not realistic thus making the game like Forza not a "simulation" if it was truley a "sim" the damage would be truely realistic (but its not).

 Thats what GT guys want,  they want perfect realistic damage.  Every part every possible affect.