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Forums - Sony Discussion - GT5 - No crash damage. Also, is it getting delayed?

your mother said:
Ackmed Tepish said:
Oh noes, 'Your Mother' is flaming another thread like the great chicago fire of 1871, haha. And picking fight with only other person to use their suggested signiture catch phrase, haha.

How cume 'Blue3' is not responding to fact we know he 'Woof' now?

Yeah, I know, but I can't help it with GT. It's just not a sim, no matter how you want to paint it. I'll try being more civil now, but just FYI, the name slinging started with Blue3 Woof, not me...

Edit: Funny how Forza fans don't have this issue nearly as much as GT fans - about the whole "game" vs "sim" label... 

I am a Forza fan...



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im done with this thread... theres some crap going on with people with hidden identities that i dont care about..



  The King Of The Iron Fist tournament

Bonafide732 said:
your mother said:
Ackmed Tepish said:
Oh noes, 'Your Mother' is flaming another thread like the great chicago fire of 1871, haha. And picking fight with only other person to use their suggested signiture catch phrase, haha.

How cume 'Blue3' is not responding to fact we know he 'Woof' now?

Yeah, I know, but I can't help it with GT. It's just not a sim, no matter how you want to paint it. I'll try being more civil now, but just FYI, the name slinging started with Blue3 Woof, not me...

Edit: Funny how Forza fans don't have this issue nearly as much as GT fans - about the whole "game" vs "sim" label...

I am a Forza fan...

Sorry about that, Bonafide732 - I should've used my relative "most Forza fans" instead of the absolute "all Forza fans".

i dont wanna judge this off of one person but.. its weird for 360 fans to hear other 360 fans say something bad abouth their own system... hell its hard for any fanboy to hear someone say something bad about the system they own... i guess thats what i get for being a MULti console owner... im not loyal to one system...



  The King Of The Iron Fist tournament

Bonafide732 said:
i dont wanna judge this off of one person but.. its weird for 360 fans to hear other 360 fans say something bad abouth their own system... hell its hard for any fanboy to hear someone say something bad about the system they own... i guess thats what i get for being a MULti console owner...

No, that's called being an intelligent consumer. Just because I own a Wii and 360 doesn't mean I can't bitch at MS for their nickel & dime DLC strategy or Nintendo for their craptastic online offerings (or lack thereof). 

I happen to love Forza and that's why I don't criticize it (other than the fact that a little AA would have been nice). It's my favorite racing game to date and after hearing this about GT5, I doubt Polyphony's next offering will top it. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

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ckmlb said:
fazz said:
I think the point here is that we are in 2007, if its labeled as simulation, it should simulate damage too, its no big deal.

If it can't simulate that (multiple games are starting to add it), it shouldnt be labeled as simulation anymore... I mean, fkn Need for Speed will have damage modelling on its next game.


You'd think that in 2007, Pokemon DS wouldn't look like a GBA game but it does. Crazy isn't it?


 Isn't the DS a GBA with 2 screens? :O :P

Woof said:
Ackmed Tepish said:
Oh noes, 'Your Mother' is flaming another thread like the great chicago fire of 1871, haha. And picking fight with only other person to use their suggested signiture catch phrase, haha.

How cume 'Blue3' is not responding to fact we know he 'Woof' now?

hey Gballzack. 

Lol, so you are Blue3. But I not Gballzack. I know it hard to believe more people like Wii than just one person, but it true.

End of 2007 Predictions:

Wii =18m






How can anyone argue about a game that has yet to come out against a car game forza 2 that is out. Also I dont agree with the lack of damage on cars however is it realy a game breaker? If so dont buy the game problem solved, we should all wait for the game to come out before bashing it.

Ackmed Tepish said:
Woof said:
Ackmed Tepish said:
Oh noes, 'Your Mother' is flaming another thread like the great chicago fire of 1871, haha. And picking fight with only other person to use their suggested signiture catch phrase, haha.

How cume 'Blue3' is not responding to fact we know he 'Woof' now?

hey Gballzack.

Lol, so you are Blue3. But I not Gballzack. I know it hard to believe more people like Wii than just one person, but it true.

 How do you know who Gballzack and Blue3 are since you just appeared relatively recently on these forums?

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

ckmlb said:
Ackmed Tepish said:
Woof said:
Ackmed Tepish said:
Oh noes, 'Your Mother' is flaming another thread like the great chicago fire of 1871, haha. And picking fight with only other person to use their suggested signiture catch phrase, haha.

How cume 'Blue3' is not responding to fact we know he 'Woof' now?

hey Gballzack.

Lol, so you are Blue3. But I not Gballzack. I know it hard to believe more people like Wii than just one person, but it true.

 How do you know who Gballzack and Blue3 are since you just appeared relatively recently on these forums?

Wow its a mystery, like Clue! I bet it was Kwaad in the Gaming room with the Wii-remote.