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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Braid Discussion Thread (SPOILERFEST!)

I'm issuing a warning right now. I want to talk to people that have finished Braid and want to discuss it. Obviously this means this thread will get filled up quickly with storyline spoilers and puzzle solutions. If you haven't finished Braid, don't enter. You'll just be spoiling the game for yourself.

Some questions everyone:

1. What puzzle took you the longest or was the hardest to figure out?

2. Which puzzle was the most difficult to execute?

3. What's your take on the story?

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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1. The first puzzle piece in Fickle Companion. I must have tried that 100 times, and still wasn't QUITE sure that I was even attempting the correct solution.

2. Same as above. I f'ed that one up about a billion times. The third piece on Impassable Foliage gets an honorable mention, though. I had a hard time syncing up the plants at first.

3. I'm really not sure. I'd usually be tempted to say Jonathan Blow was a pretentious twat, but I found the whole thing quite affecting. It's just that my ape-like brain isn't capable of discerning why. The final level where, when you hold X, the Princess runs away from you... just jaw-dropping. I'm not really sure what she represents, though.


i saw the maker of this game at nordic game jam... told him that he should make it for psn XD

Check out my game about moles ^

I'll start off myself.

1. In World 5(The doppelganger world), I think it's the fourth room in, you have a door all the way towards the right and a platform overhead with a puzzle piece. I couldn't figure out to let the goomba kill me by walking off the platform onto my head, elevating him high enough so my future jump from the upper platform could bounce me to the puzzle piece. God I hope you can all visualize what I'm talking about.

2. Definitely World 6(The pocket of time world), where in the right upper corner, you have to pass two goombas in a row past three pirahna plants so you can hop off one and onto another for a boost big enough to reach the upper platform for a puzzle piece. I knew what to do early on, but it was maddeningly difficult to execute.

3. Oh god where do I start? I want to run over the ending like five more times tomorrow to take it all in. I took in that the princess talk was double speak, meaning both the real princess in this fantasy world where Tim can reverse time and as a metaphor for his real life in Manhattan where he doubts his choices. Things I haven't quite grasped yet. What's the significance with castles and using every room picture to form the World 1 castle?

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Staude said:
i saw the maker of this game at nordic game jam... told him that he should make it for psn XD

I really hope he does. This is a game that as many people should experience as possible.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Around the Network

Come on guys. Is there really nobody that has finished Braid that wants to talk about it? It can't just be me and badgenome.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

The last puzzle I got stuck on was the one where you had to use your shadow form to boost the enemy up and then jump on his head to get the piece. I forgot the exact level because I'm not home. Also the first piece in 6-4 took me a while to get.

I'm still trying to have the ending sink in and want to go back and read the books again. Apparently there is some alternate text in the epilogue I need to find out and read. Maybe that will help me understand more.

From what I've gathered so far it seems to be about people wanting things they cannot have and ignoring the things that are important and right in front of them. The points about Tim leaving to seek out this "princess" seem to support this theory. After letting the game settle in my head a little I'm starting to appreciate it more and more. I mainly enjoyed the gameplay the first time through but the story is growing on me as time goes on.

Penny Arcade had a funny comic about Braid's pricing today:

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection
jasonnc80 said:

The last puzzle I got stuck on was the one where you had to use your shadow form to boost the enemy up and then jump on his head to get the piece. I forgot the exact level because I'm not home. Also the first piece in 6-4 took me a while to get.

I'm still trying to have the ending sink in and want to go back and read the books again. Apparently there is some alternate text in the epilogue I need to find out and read. Maybe that will help me understand more.

From what I've gathered so far it seems to be about people wanting things they cannot have and ignoring the things that are important and right in front of them. The points about Tim leaving to seek out this "princess" seem to support this theory. After letting the game settle in my head a little I'm starting to appreciate it more and more. I mainly enjoyed the gameplay the first time through but the story is growing on me as time goes on.

Penny Arcade had a funny comic about Braid's pricing today:

Good theories. How about the castle? From what I gather it's built from the memories he stores inside as a protective barrier of sorts, which would partially explain why the Epilogue castle is built from the room icons.

Where did you heard about alternate texts? I went through a second time but didn't feel like I read anything different. Maybe if you beat the Speed Run challenge time?

That comic is hilarious by the way. It's way too true for it's own good.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
Staude said:
i saw the maker of this game at nordic game jam... told him that he should make it for psn XD

I really hope he does. This is a game that as many people should experience as possible.



well he did tell me that he wanted as many people as possible to play it (now im speaking from memory so some things might be off)

but he also said he had used like... 3 years (or something) on it and that he didn't wanna devote his entire life to it.

He also said it was a little easier to make it for the xbox platform (can't remember the reasons he specified) but in any case, now that he is proved, perhaps sony will approach him ?


It would be pretty cool :) and if i remember right he did say that he would like to put it on the ps3 aswel :p


In either case.. i also have to admit.. it's one platformer i would like on my platform XD

Check out my game about moles ^

Staude said:
Onyxmeth said:
Staude said:
i saw the maker of this game at nordic game jam... told him that he should make it for psn XD

I really hope he does. This is a game that as many people should experience as possible.



well he did tell me that he wanted as many people as possible to play it (now im speaking from memory so some things might be off)

but he also said he had used like... 3 years (or something) on it and that he didn't wanna devote his entire life to it.

He also said it was a little easier to make it for the xbox platform (can't remember the reasons he specified) but in any case, now that he is proved, perhaps sony will approach him ?


It would be pretty cool :) and if i remember right he did say that he would like to put it on the ps3 aswel :p


In either case.. i also have to admit.. it's one platformer i would like on my platform XD

PC and 360 architecture is similiar so ports between the both are pretty easy. That was probably the reason he gave you. If you can get your hands on a 360, try this game out. I don't know when the PC version is releasing but maybe give that a try instead if you can't play it on 360. It's by far one of the finest games to come out this generation, and not just XBLA but all games.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.