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Forums - Gaming Discussion - hello wii360...see ya later ps3

intelligent , just as the great man of the USA, President George Bush

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Im surprised that you got a lot of money... generally a PS3 is only worth like $43.99... well, thats the amount I would pay for a movie player =p

Congratulations on getting two consoles, which both own in their own way.


2 consoles are better than 1. Wii and PS3 might have been fine though. Were you a Sony fan because you liked their 1st party games? Or becuase of image and massive third party support? If the later, it only makes sense to get a Wii and 360. I personally always get Nintendo because I like their (core) 1st party games.

Fernando said:

Im surprised that you got a lot of money... generally a PS3 is only worth like $43.99... well, thats the amount I would pay for a movie player =p


be careful.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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Shadowblind said:
You got all that from selling your PS3? Wow, nice job.

Anyway watch out for the RROD on a realllly old 360. Other then that, you got an extremely good value it seems.

Welcome to the Next generation.

"welcome to the next generation ", I see what you did there. An Indirect insult to the PS3.

I also own all three system but if I have to pick two, it would be 360 and the Wii. Great Decision on your gaming future.

Who are you?

Wow, damn dude! Where did you find such a good deal?

And I agree with twesterm's list. Just don't forget to buy Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption!

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Fernando said:

Im surprised that you got a lot of money... generally a PS3 is only worth like $43.99... well, thats the amount I would pay for a movie player =p


I'd like to see you find a $43.99 Blu-ray player, oh wait you must still be living in the stone ages with your tube tv, and that awesome analogue signal, must be awesome living with such advanced tech, I on the other hand am a poor man living with the ancient HDtv technology and it's crummy digital signal, and man is HDMI crap, wish I had them composite cables, but alas we all can't be as wealthy as you :(