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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Now EA's Single Biggest Bread-Winner,,,(best gaming selling platform)

NNN2004 said:
?? no site said that PS3 overtake 360 in software sales ever.


This is the last quarter of EA software(that the PS3 has been on top). Not industry wide software. EA software only. I think the PS3 has been beating the 360 for EA software sales for the last 2 quarters though.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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NNN2004 said:
?? no site said that PS3 overtake 360 in software sales ever.


lol,,,you need to read the title better,,,,,,go even to our own front page and you see the news in EA financial report (in news section)




ZenfoldorVGI said:
NNN2004 said:
?? no site said that PS3 overtake 360 in software sales ever.


This is the quarter of EA software(that the PS3 has been on top). Not industry wide software. EA software only. I think the PS3 has been beating the 360 for EA software sales for the last 2 quarters though.

what i know that sony will show it in their E3 show if this is true ... because they like to showoff.


The topic creator's claims are ABSOLUTE RUBBISH!!!! How many times today does this need to be explained before people get it?

Firstly, revenue DOES NOT EQUAL PROFIT!!! If you sell 20 RRP Wii games and 20 RRP PS3 games, the PS3 games bring in more revenue because of their higher price tag. This does not tell us how much profit the company has made. Development costs, publishing costs, disc pressing etc etc, once all of these are deducted, then you get your profit figure.

And secondly, the figures up there are mostly for periods that haven't happened yet, they are PROJECTIONS!!! You're telling me that we are currently in Q1 of the 2009 financial year? This is how much revenue EA EXPECTS the platforms to bring in. Look at the periods that have actually happened so far, you'll see that the 360 continues to absolutely trounce the PS3 by your own flawed measurements.

Stop posting topics making these huge claims when they are nothing but lies!!

its the same thing as for his thread for soulcalibur IV  ...... spartanFX plz no need for troll.

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ando88 said:

The topic creator's claims are ABSOLUTE RUBBISH!!!! How many times today does this need to be explained before people get it?

Firstly, revenue DOES NOT EQUAL PROFIT!!! If you sell 20 RRP Wii games and 20 RRP PS3 games, the PS3 games bring in more revenue because of their higher price tag. This does not tell us how much profit the company has made. Development costs, publishing costs, disc pressing etc etc, once all of these are deducted, then you get your profit figure.

And secondly, the figures up there are mostly for periods that haven't happened yet, they are PROJECTIONS!!! You're telling me that we are currently in Q1 of the 2009 financial year?
This is how much revenue EA EXPECTS the platforms to bring in. Look at the periods that have actually happened so far, you'll see that the 360 continues to absolutely trounce the PS3 by your own flawed measurements.

Stop posting topics making these huge claims when they are nothing but lies!!


Most companies' finacial years end in March of that calendar year.  For example, FY'09 would end in March of '09, thus Q1'09 would run from March '08 to June '08.

The notable exception is Sony, whose financial year begins in March of that calendar year, thus Sony's FY'09 would start in March of '09.

NNN2004 said:
its the same as soulcalibur IV one ...... spartanFX plz no need for troll.


what are you talking about???I m just posting the news,,,,I m thinking you still haven't understood something in this thread,,,,,nothing about this thread is trolling,,,,,same with soulcalibur,,,I just qouted what the reviewr said,,,,,,posting PS3 positive news is not considered trolling.lool okay???


P.S I will be gald if you would show me what part of my post was trolling




SpartanFX said:
NNN2004 said:
its the same as soulcalibur IV one ...... spartanFX plz no need for troll.


what are you talking about???I m just posting the news,,,,I m thinking you still haven't understood something in this thread,,,,,nothing about this thread is trolling,,,,,same with soulcalibur,,,I just qouted what the reviewr said,,,,,,not being pro 360 is not considered trolling.


 but why u choose this news exactly to post ?? why u dont post one good thing about 360 ??

I'm not saying that VG chartz isn't wrong.

I just want to know what.

20 million is a lot of money = that about 450k units worldwide wholesale. EAs sales on the PS3 are about 11 million since the launch of the console.

450k in one quarter is pretty significant from 11 million lifetime.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

NNN2004 said:
SpartanFX said:
NNN2004 said:
its the same as soulcalibur IV one ...... spartanFX plz no need for troll.


what are you talking about???I m just posting the news,,,,I m thinking you still haven't understood something in this thread,,,,,nothing about this thread is trolling,,,,,same with soulcalibur,,,I just qouted what the reviewr said,,,,,,not being pro 360 is not considered trolling.


 but why u choose this news exactly to post ?? why u dont post one good thing about 360 ??


loool,,,is that a serious question?


anyways,,,becasue i m a PS3 owner and I like it when I see the console that I like is doing much better than last year.did I make a thread to bash 360?never ,,,I usually post PS3 related news  as I m more intrested in PS3.