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Forums - Sales Discussion - Leo-J: 'ps3-19-23mllion(will not go below 120k WW any week in 08)'

DMeisterJ said:
"ribbing" =/= Making fun of someone's prediction who can't defend themselves.

reread the first post


Neos said:

well leo-j. it looks like it might happen this week.

i can't pick up the bit where he is making fun of leo-j.. in fact, it seems more like he is "ribbing", and as you so clearly pointed out, that is not the same as making fun


that said, i personally think this would have done fine in the crow eating thread (not that leo-j should eat crow anyways, given he has been damn close with this particular prediction - so far).. if anything.. the 'end of 08 wii sales = 33 mil max'  or 'gta4 will kill the wii' require threads about 100x more than this does

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DMeisterJ said:
So it'll be cool when I make this thread at the end of the year when John Lucas' 60 million Wii's sold by 08 doesn't come true?

Actually I'm pretty sure John Lucas will make that thread himself as he has admitted to being wrong before.


PC Gamer

Let's say the PS3 sells 11,000 in Japan, that means it will be around 3000 short.

That is well within the realm of possibility that it did reach 120,000

For those decrying the unfairness of this all. Please can we keep the hypocrisy to a dull whisper. A great many of you use failed predictions in the same way. Hell many of you use them in a much more disgusting way. You often whip them out in the middle of debates about other subjects in a crude attempt to obtain an advantage. Do not deny that we have all seen that.

Someone is discussing the potential sales of a game, and you disagree with them. So you go digging for a prediction that someone made eight months ago about another game that turned out wrong. Then you drag it back into the current argument with a link. Rather then debate the logic why not just attack the poster and their track record. Safe in the knowledge that they are not so twisted to bookmark two hundred posts every month. Nor are they so egotistical to spend three hours digging up shit on you. This is actually a variation of trolling. Specifically I think it is referred to as the archivist.

So perhaps some of you should just shut up before you gag yourselves. To call this idiotic and without scruples. Well your attacking your own kind with cannibalistic glee. Just consider this some day someone may whip this thread right back around on to you, and your going to be caught cold cocked in the middle of some trivial debate. I suspect most of you would not like that.

Just another wrong prediction from him.
But I still can laugh about all the times I think his predictions are wrong and they really turn to be wrong............. LOL

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11ht11 said:



Just getting the message across.

Mod edit: 1 is plenty. -sqrl

DMeisterJ said:

Kyros said:
well leo-j. it looks like it might happen this week.

In all fairness they are supply constraint in the States. Otherwise it wouldn't happen.

We know, we know, but apparently the Topic Creator has no idea about that.

Also, the TC doesn't understand margin of error among other things. Most weeks when the PS3 is above 120k it's at like 140-150 or if a game comes out higher, so the +/- 10 % would always keep it above 120k

This week, PS3 will likely be at 116 or 117k, which would make the data largely inconclusive, as there is a ten percent margin of error here. So again, no reason for this thread.

Also attacking someone who isn't here to defend himself is f-cked up.

Really f-cked up.

Says the one that insulted me on my wall while I was banned.

OT: None of LeoJ's predictions will ever be correct, since they are co mpletely biased and full of hate, like someone said before. Too bad, maybe next year.


Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

If it wasnt for this i dont think ps3 would go below 120k ww.


trestres said:
DMeisterJ said:

Kyros said:
well leo-j. it looks like it might happen this week.

In all fairness they are supply constraint in the States. Otherwise it wouldn't happen.

We know, we know, but apparently the Topic Creator has no idea about that.

Also, the TC doesn't understand margin of error among other things. Most weeks when the PS3 is above 120k it's at like 140-150 or if a game comes out higher, so the +/- 10 % would always keep it above 120k

This week, PS3 will likely be at 116 or 117k, which would make the data largely inconclusive, as there is a ten percent margin of error here. So again, no reason for this thread.

Also attacking someone who isn't here to defend himself is f-cked up.

Really f-cked up.

Says the one that insulted me on my wall while I was banned.

OT: None of LeoJ's predictions will ever be correct, since they are co mpletely biased and full of hate, like someone said before. Too bad, maybe next year.


Ha DmeisterJ did the same at my wall..


konnichiwa said:
trestres said:
DMeisterJ said:

Kyros said:
well leo-j. it looks like it might happen this week.

In all fairness they are supply constraint in the States. Otherwise it wouldn't happen.

We know, we know, but apparently the Topic Creator has no idea about that.

Also, the TC doesn't understand margin of error among other things. Most weeks when the PS3 is above 120k it's at like 140-150 or if a game comes out higher, so the +/- 10 % would always keep it above 120k

This week, PS3 will likely be at 116 or 117k, which would make the data largely inconclusive, as there is a ten percent margin of error here. So again, no reason for this thread.

Also attacking someone who isn't here to defend himself is f-cked up.

Really f-cked up.

Says the one that insulted me on my wall while I was banned.

OT: None of LeoJ's predictions will ever be correct, since they are co mpletely biased and full of hate, like someone said before. Too bad, maybe next year.


Ha DmeisterJ did the same at my wall..

Yeah, I used to do it to everyone's wall.

Well, you were just banned Trestres, did I do it to your wall this time?


Cause it's called maturity.  It was grossly immature when I used to do it to everyone's wall, and I'm now above that.