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Forums - Sony Discussion - Can the PS3 really surpass the 360 next year?

slimeattack said:
FFXIII will move consoles, but in Japan. The series was always strong there (2-3 m). Now there are hardly that many PS3's, so expect an amazing boost.


Pretty much. The only way the Japanese can get FFXIII is on the PS3. Even the most die hard 360 fanboi cant deny that FF games move in Japan like none other, concidering the low, low numbers of the PS3 in Japan, I would expect a massive uptick in Console sales there for at least a solid month as stock runs out, gets replenished and runs out and so on. After that, who knows?

As for the topic, its been stated before, but I'll say it as my opinion. The PS3 outsold the 360 by a fair margin last holiday season. However, it had yet to win the HD war, it had next to zero good exclusives, most if not all Multiplatform games on it ran better on the 360 and it cost more.

Now it has won the HD war, Multiplatform games are near identicle on both systems and there are massive exclusives hitting for it this holiday season. The only thing that stayed the same is that it costs more than the 360. I would expect the difference in sales to almost be expodentially bigger this season.

If anything, it should be fun to watch. Now if you will excuse me, I just saw the Dark Knight and I need to go contemplate exactly how good it was.

I own all three current consoles and a great gaming rig, now thats out of the way.

This space Reserved for the Nuggets of Wisdom dropped by Bladeforce:

"Why post something like this when all it will get is PS3 owners blinded to reality replying? BOTH THE PS3 AND BLUE-RAY WILL NOT LAST 3 YEARS! TECHNOLOGY CHANGED TOO FAST!"

"is it Wii FIt that has sold as many as PS3's sold? Thats a LOL Look at the total sales of software is it just me that sees Nintendo titles hitting 10m+ and you say they arent making a difference? Another LOL!"

"Hell, with all the negative hype Sony spin, people just aren't interested cost is too high and to get the true HD experience (1080p, 7.1 surround) you will need a $1000+ system. THAT IS GOING TO DO IT IN A RECESSION! PS4 will not happen"

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People have been predicting the date that PS3 will pass up the 360 since the PS3 launched. The community seems to come up with a commonly accepted date. Right now it looks like it's holiday 2009. Before that, it was sometime after holiday 2008 or maybe it was when supplies were short on the 360 at the beginning of this year.

My point is that the date keeps changing, and the PS3 keeps not passing up the 360. It may or may not pass it up someday. I think for this generation the PS3 may take second, but there's also plenty of time for things to develop and evolve, and maybe the PS3 won't take second. Who can really know? At the beginning of the generation people were saying the PS3 would be king by this point and it's in third place.

I don't have anything against the PS3 at all. It's a great machine. But I have to say that the fanboys it spawns are pretty cocky. I've never seen anything like it. The PS3 is still in third place and people act like it's already won this fictitious, internet created console war that the average user probably isn't even aware of. In truth, you can't really brag that you're in first or second place until you actually are in first or second place. The FFXIII deal took a lot of wind out of Sony's sails. Even Tretton admitted that in an interview the day after his E3 keynote. In fact, I believe I remember him saying in the same interview that the Japanese market is not going to save them from the damage this has done. Sales are still poor for the PS3 in Japan relative to how past machines have done.

|_emmiwinks said:
slimeattack said:
FFXIII will move consoles, but in Japan. The series was always strong there (2-3 m). Now there are hardly that many PS3's, so expect an amazing boost.


Pretty much. The only way the Japanese can get FFXIII is on the PS3. Even the most die hard 360 fanboi cant deny that FF games move in Japan like none other, concidering the low, low numbers of the PS3 in Japan, I would expect a massive uptick in Console sales there for at least a solid month as stock runs out, gets replenished and runs out and so on. After that, who knows?

As for the topic, its been stated before, but I'll say it as my opinion. The PS3 outsold the 360 by a fair margin last holiday season. However, it had yet to win the HD war, it had next to zero good exclusives, most if not all Multiplatform games on it ran better on the 360 and it cost more.

Now it has won the HD war, Multiplatform games are near identicle on both systems and there are massive exclusives hitting for it this holiday season. The only thing that stayed the same is that it costs more than the 360. I would expect the difference in sales to almost be expodentially bigger this season.

If anything, it should be fun to watch. Now if you will excuse me, I just saw the Dark Knight and I need to go contemplate exactly how good it was.



Domicinator said:
People have been predicting the date that PS3 will pass up the 360 since the PS3 launched. The community seems to come up with a commonly accepted date. Right now it looks like it's holiday 2009. Before that, it was sometime after holiday 2008 or maybe it was when supplies were short on the 360 at the beginning of this year.

My point is that the date keeps changing, and the PS3 keeps not passing up the 360. It may or may not pass it up someday. I think for this generation the PS3 may take second, but there's also plenty of time for things to develop and evolve, and maybe the PS3 won't take second. Who can really know? At the beginning of the generation people were saying the PS3 would be king by this point and it's in third place.

I don't have anything against the PS3 at all. It's a great machine. But I have to say that the fanboys it spawns are pretty cocky. I've never seen anything like it. The PS3 is still in third place and people act like it's already won this fictitious, internet created console war that the average user probably isn't even aware of. In truth, you can't really brag that you're in first or second place until you actually are in first or second place. The FFXIII deal took a lot of wind out of Sony's sails. Even Tretton admitted that in an interview the day after his E3 keynote. In fact, I believe I remember him saying in the same interview that the Japanese market is not going to save them from the damage this has done. Sales are still poor for the PS3 in Japan relative to how past machines have done.



I'd say it really depends on pricedrops. Without price drops it will probably take into 2010, this Christmas will likely be a wash as big MS exclusives should bring up US sales to mostly counter the gains the PS3 will make in Japan and Europe. But of course it really all depends on who is willing to make a price drop and if it goes unanswered.

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IMO definitely next year and around midway.

One thing to note; the 360 has always had big games hitting, but the PS3, till recently, has had very few and still continued to beat out the 360 in WWS each month. Now we finally have a PS3 that has a games line up not only to challenge, but IMO stronger than the 360's next year. Plus, this last half we also have both platforms with strong titles as well compared to last year when the 360 was dominant in quality SW.

Do u all get it yet?

There are a tone of massive games comming to the PS3 and untill know there has only been a few. Many, many people are still holding off, waiting for these big guns to hit. The 360's main audience is here, but the PS3's is yet to come. I cannot see the 360 getting these, "casual gamers" but I definitely see the PS3 getting them.

Sony has stated themselves that next year is truly their year.
We will see at Leipzig some very new, heavy hitters coming out from Sony's camp. More and more BIG games coming. How can the PS3 slow down?

Playing and finishing games first>>>>>>>>>>Then talking!

Opinions are subjective and just like moods, can change.

TOP 12: Deus Ex, Shadow Man, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metroid Prime, Zelda (series), Uncharted (series), FF Tactics, Persona (series), Demons Souls, Vagrant Story.

MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD

xmas 08 will be the big decider with the inevitable pass coming a few months into 09 (probably around Killzone2 launch)

I think PS3 will be behind 2.5-3 million by the end of this year(5.38 million right now )and PS3 will over take 360 in Q3 2009.

that's what I think.




it needs another price drop and im talking about a big one

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Gamer4life said:
Domicinator said:
People have been predicting the date that PS3 will pass up the 360 since the PS3 launched. The community seems to come up with a commonly accepted date. Right now it looks like it's holiday 2009. Before that, it was sometime after holiday 2008 or maybe it was when supplies were short on the 360 at the beginning of this year.

My point is that the date keeps changing, and the PS3 keeps not passing up the 360. It may or may not pass it up someday. I think for this generation the PS3 may take second, but there's also plenty of time for things to develop and evolve, and maybe the PS3 won't take second. Who can really know? At the beginning of the generation people were saying the PS3 would be king by this point and it's in third place.

I don't have anything against the PS3 at all. It's a great machine. But I have to say that the fanboys it spawns are pretty cocky. I've never seen anything like it. The PS3 is still in third place and people act like it's already won this fictitious, internet created console war that the average user probably isn't even aware of. In truth, you can't really brag that you're in first or second place until you actually are in first or second place. The FFXIII deal took a lot of wind out of Sony's sails. Even Tretton admitted that in an interview the day after his E3 keynote. In fact, I believe I remember him saying in the same interview that the Japanese market is not going to save them from the damage this has done. Sales are still poor for the PS3 in Japan relative to how past machines have done.




Uh oh, we have a non-believer. quick! throw some exclusive games at him to convert him and make him one of us.


Price cut? a big one? Why? just so they can outsell XBox 360 and lose money? What are you talking about, PS3 is fine where it is at this price. No price-cut~ just need more people who are interested in the PS3, not the price of it.